Can I take your order?

18 in the Bay
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2015


“Can I see your manager?” As an employee you hear that phrase constantly if you did something wrong. At times it gets annoying because I remember when I first heard that phrase and let me tell you it was not great hearing it as a new employee at a fast food establishment. I was the cashier for McDonald’s (yea, I know, great job to start off yourself with). Well, for me, it was my personal living hell. I never really liked working there. Nor did I like some of my managers. And the customers that I saw that were always grouchy.

The customer may always be right but they can also be wrong about some stuff. Being a cashier is a pain because you have to keep track of all the money in the drawer and make sure the customer is satisfied with what they have. If I got an order wrong, which majority of the time I did, I would hear it from a customer and would have to do the order all over again.

So many good and bad memories working there but mainly bad. Almost got into an argument with my manager and had a bad attitude towards some of them. One memory I have when I worked at McDonald’s was when I was short on my drawer it was supposed to be a certain amount. They thought I took money for myself to keep, but in reality, I didn’t. My manager comes up to me and tells me these exact words “You were 10 dollars short in your drawer.” In my mind I was thinking that why would I be short of 10 dollars? I didn’t take anything from my drawer, I gave out exact change to everyone, it was weird to me.

“Are you gonna pay for being short of the 10 dollars or do you wanna get a written up warning?” At first, I didn’t know what to think so I just said, “just write me up,” thinking it wouldn’t hurt me as much but I was dead wrong.

I came home that day was kinda bummed out and then my dad sees me and asked me what was wrong. At first I didn’t wanna talk about it but I eventually opened up and said that my manager said that I was short of 10 dollars in my drawer. He told me, “forget them, you don’t need to take money from them, you have your own money that you earned.” Hearing that took a huge weight off my shoulders man what a relief. Then my mom heard and was kind of mad about what I told her and so she talked to the manager and payed the 10 dollars and the paper I signed was gone like it never existed. It felt so good to finally have that off my back honestly never thought I would ever be able live that down.

What I learned from that experience was that you have to always take care of your drawer make sure no one goes in there and take your money. Now I know that I have to be more careful and have a close eye on my drawer. The most important thing to know is to never leave your drawer unattended because someone might take your money. Now I learned my lesson and now I’m going to use it in a future job.

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