Fucking Cops Man…

18 in the Bay
Published in
5 min readMay 26, 2015


“When the power of love is greater than the love of power, the world will know peace.”

You think that the cops would be there for you and your safety. Never. I had many experiences where I had to call the cops on people in my life and they would show up, but no justice would be done. Since that point, I learned that cops are not always going to be there for you. They are not going to be there when I really need it. Instead they are going to come super late and give me a bunch of bullshit that I already know. In my life I always thought about how I would react to a cop if we ever had a confrontation for any reason. In my head I always told myself to not fear them, they are just regular people who are bald and have badges.

It was a windy Friday, late march and it was my friend’s birthday. The weather was acting up, it was so bipolar. My friend’s and I had just copped half an ounce of weed and we had alcohol also. We went to the park, as we were trying to roll the blunts the wind was acting super crazy. Weed was flying everywhere so we decided to move, it was hard trying to find a warm spot where there were no children around. We moved from the bleachers and went upstairs near the baseball stadium. Things started getting warmer and the party began. We were drinking, and there was so many blunts I could not even count, I actually lost count.

We were turning up having such a good time all over the place. Throughout the whole part, I was relaxed and having a good time. I leave to go to the bathroom, and my friend tagged along. We went to the nearest porta-potty and were in there for about 15 minutes fooling around and making sure we cover the hell out of those toilet seats. When we came back from the bathroom, one of the girls who was chillin with us was sitting at another table with her head down. I was so confused, then my friends who were at the other table explained that she was too turnt, she tried slapping herself. We later get up, and start walking to these stairs near where I use to live. It was dark already and about 8pm. We all were sitting on the steps, smoking our lasts blunts and talking. Everybody was having a good time.

I started to feel sick, sort of felt dizzy. Do you ever have that feeling that you need to throw up but nothing is coming out? Well, I could not take it anymore, so I got up and asked everybody if they wanted to come with me to the store to buy a bottle of water to see if that would help me. There was a store literally on the corner, so we all went and came back. This time I did not sit back down because I started to feel really dizzy. So, I stood on top, in front of the stares and chilled with my friend J. We were talking, and halfway through my water bottle, out of nowhere two white policemen come out with really bright flashlights. They aggressively but cautiously walked towards us and told us to put our hands up. Since I was the first anybody could see they checked me and my friend first. I was panicking and kept repeating to the officer, what are you doin? The officers later checked my other friends. It was so sad because they were over exaggerating. I was so mad but scared. They continued to search everybody until one of my other friends started screaming at them. They were the worse policemen ever. They had all my friends sit on the ground and kept talking to us about how people get killed around the area we were in. Total bullshit. That is my neighborhood. I was sitting down, so angry at myself for fearing these policemen who are not worth my time. If you could imagine, the officer was patting me down. One of the officer’s looked up my friends name since she kept bickering to them, as he searched her purse he took her ID, and made a comment about her having marijuana. Not to mention he took her $60 dollars she needed to fix her phone.

One of the officers came back to give the ID. You could hear one of the dispatchers on his walkie talkie, they practically said we are free to go. This got me so angry. At the end, both of the policemen just calmly said “Alright, you guys are free to go, have a nice day”. Like nothing ever happened. I was so angry, I have never felt so disappointed in myself, ashamed. Then it clicked to my head.


I called 911 to see what the police officer’s badge numbers were, who was sent to our location. As I called a lady, I explained to her that they took my friend’s money and overly searched uncomfortably. She then said to me you should call the emergency line and hung up. I could not believe it. The people who are suppose to have our backs, who we’re supposed to respect, at the same time they can’t even protect me.

I feel like policemen have lost their dignity and brain. They become more ignorant at the fact that their job is to help not destroy us. There are cops all over the world who take advantage of their job and the lives of so so so many people with no empathy. When someone takes a cop’s life away it is a huge deal, or in general, a cop gets a free murder pass every time. It sickens me. There was never one time where I can say a cop helped me. They are not involved in our communities unless they have to arrest the youth. There should be a new organization of people from the community who can actually enforce a safety environment for the people instead of getting help from policemen. People are more paranoid when they see a cop for anything. That itself can tell you something about the policeman in our society.

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