18 in the Bay
Published in
1 min readJun 11, 2015


Why did you feel unmotivated during your high school years?

I felt unmotivated because I didn’t like school and I felt as if it was a waste of time. I had no one who pushed me and all I wanted to do was chill with my friends.

What made you change your life?

What made me change myself is the way I was looking at myself in the future. I had to be a role model for you so you won’t follow my footsteps. I also noticed that I wasn’t going anywhere and that I had to make the decisions before I was going to mess up my life.

HOW have you bettered your life?

I have bettered my life because I have completed my high school and college studies. I have received my diploma on both and I have also got a job in the major I chose. I can now see a bright future for myself.

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