Cine Planet theatre

Justin Piastro
18 Travelers
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2015

Have you ever wondered if there was another theatre other than the Cine mark at Jockey plaza, well of course you have, but it’s super stresfull to go out and look, well i have great news for you ! Cine Planet, a gargantuan theatre at the molina plaza, and said to be one of the best theatres in the city. Getting to cine planet is easy and is only about a 15 minute commute. the first thing you will see or the theatre will be a huge sign that says cine planet in giant white letters with a rainbow colored ring surrounding them.

After disembarking at cine planet i took flight straight to the ticket stand and looked at the prices. Then i realized how cheap this cine really was. everything from the tickets to the food was only a few soles. the tickets were only 7 to 10 soles. The food prices were also amazing, only 15 soles for a family sized popcorn, only 15! If you want a theatre that does not charge much than this is the theatre for you.

After buying our tickets we went over to buy our food. The soda tastes the same as always, why would it be any different, but i think you will notice that the popcorn taste different . the popcorn tastes more natural like inka corn, and instead of having butter covering it from head to toe it was dryer and more crunchy and more organic. if you ask the food attendent and he will say that the popcorn was from a natural corn farm north of here. He will also say the butter is 100 percent natural with no artificial flavors or chemicals. I loved the whole “staying natural” thing the theater had going on.

Soon we were heading into the movie theatres. unlike the ones in the united states where you enter from the bottom and walk to the top, we entered from the top and walked to the bottom.“whaaaaaat ?” I thought to myself, i had never seen something like this. Then i realized that they build it this way so people in wheelchairs can see the whole screen and also it is easy to get to your seat. their was about 25 rows of seats and a full capacity of 85 people, and trust me when i say that is a lot. The seats were very comfortable and to my suprise were all very clean. The screen was 30 feet high and 60 feet wide. The theaters had surround sound systems and a amazing HD projector.

This was one of the most amazing theatres i have been to so far here in lima, the amazing yellow popcorn and the super cheap tickets, it i completely worth going to. Every thing from the prices to the food is great. I almost thought it was a dream. If you don’t believe me then go yourself and you will be impressed. i would give this theatre a 5 out of 5 rating and many people already have. Cine planet to me is the theatre for the people who want to have a good time but not with the prices of other theatres like cinemark. You will be amazed, go to cine planet!!!



Justin Piastro
18 Travelers

The US is my birth place, but the world is my home.