Clara Marin
18 Travelers
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2015


-Life is for strange adventures, midnight swims, and visiting Paracas-

On my trip to Paracas, located in Ica, Peru, where I went accompanied by my family last week, I experienced lots of new and stunning experiences which I realized later were a great adventure. This is because everything that I perceived was really unique and when that happens you find yourself as if in a new world.

On our way to Paracas I noticed the putrid, intense stench of algae everywhere and wherever I went. This awful smell doesn’t come from the plant itself it’s a sulfur compound, which makes everything smell awful. I sat on the boat of “Peru Adventure Tours” which prized $75 USD each person. Fortunately, we were a group of 20 passengers so we got a huge discount. This agency is advised for big groups. However, if you decide to take another one make sure it is an official one since it isn’t allowed to travel whenever you want to. This island is administered by SERNAP, a company specialised at the Environmental Ministry whose labor is to keep this island clean and it is favored you use services that protect the environment.

The murky, frigid water was very wavy and the boat rocked hard and it was a real challenge to stay on your seat. The frosty, freezy wind blew strongly through my hair and I could hardly open my eyes. Suddenly , a fin glanced out of the water. I stood up at a tremendous velocity and I looked for the sea animal. Abruptly, I saw it again, but this time I saw it utterly. It was a dolphin. My heart bumped extremely and the need of jumping out of the boat and cuddling the animal was immense. Immediately, the cute, adorable thing disappeared as it appeared. This taught me to get my camera or phone ready to take the best and creative shots and I recommend you never forget one if you ever come to this part of the country.

Slowly I sat down and looked to the horizon when a massive and spectacular mountain arose from the water. Step by step, we got closer and closer to the mountain where the mystical “Candelabro” (which origin, meaning and age is still a mystery) emerged out of the foggy sky. The monument looked like a monkey on the left side and like a gecko on its right side. Exhausted by thinking about the thirty minute boat trip we had in front of us I fell in a deep, marvelous sleep.

Surrounded by the ear-splitting singing of the birds, I was yanked out of my lovely dreams. I spotted up and began inspecting the sky, the mild, pleasant sun broke through the gloomy, thick clouds. Sunglasses and a hat are essential for this trip, so don’t forget them! I was very entertained and amazed by the variety of animals that are located on this island. The most hilarious animal which you can detect is the sea lion which belongs to the same family as seals. However, sea lions have bigger fins. The Humboldt penguins placed by human hands are threatened with extinction but I was lucky to admire a few and I am sure you will as well.

After only a few hours there, we went on to the next town Ica but my simple experiences in Paracas were extraordinary. Paracas gave me the opportunity to realize that even simple events like the passing of a bird or sailing on the ocean can turn into adventures if you just open your senses to all of the great things this place can offer you.

