Tiago Escajadillo
18 Travelers
Published in
4 min readNov 25, 2015


The hidden world of Machu Picchu

Have you ever wondered what was the maximum potential of a civilization that existed almost 500 years ago?

Welcome to Machu Picchu, one of the seven wonders of the world made by the remarkable and clever incas given recognition by the swiss foundation known as the new seven wonders of the world. As a Peruvian I have always been curious of how Machu Picchu is, and I feel like it is one of Peru’s most outstanding and breathtaking achievements. First you take a train which costs 69 soles to get there and a bus ride that costs 20 soles. As you go up the mountain in the bus you get a sense of adventure because of the shocking panorama. You can see how the jungle and the mountains clash, green trees and rocks combined in the same place. But as you stare down you can see how a single mistake from the bus driver can send you down the 400 meter cliff.

At last I reached the top of the mountain. As I gazed in amazement I could see colossal mountains full of gorgeous trees and tremendous rocks, we had an amazing lunch that was a buffet consisting of a variety of delicious cuisine options and drinks in the Belmond Sanctuary Lodge. Then we arranged ourselves and went to the entrance which opens 6 am to 5 pm daily. After that we had an exceptionally long walk to the top of the mountain. Harmony travel, a company in cusco got us tour guides that made it much easier to understand.

Surprisingly, we reached the top (struggling) with no one about to faint and the view was even more astonishing, from what we had seen before I did not know that this was going to surpass it. We could see hills from the jungle and from the mountains. I had a feeling of being between worlds, that made me feel really tiny and insignificant. I felt like an ant amongst humans. I had seen some videos and movies where they went to machu picchu but I did not know it was so impressive. We could see some mountains that looked exactly like a human face, . Our guide from harmony travel analyzed and explained some things from the Inca culture, it was really interesting.

After that we took some pictures we headed down and we explored machu picchu in all of the places, it was like a labyrinth and you felt baffled at how it was so big. I felt kind of perplexed and stunned when I started to think how could a civilisation, way back in time build such a splendid complex. I touched the smooth rocks and even from the distance you could see how perfectly carved they were, those rocks fit perfectly! As we were up in a mountain I could feel a cool and rejuvenating air that made me feel alive, it was one of the most relaxing environments.

As we left Machu Picchu I felt kind of sad, because we had left such an awesome place. In the positive side this journey has inspired me to purse for adventure and to visit other wonders of the world. When I reached the bottom I bought an awesome straw hat which cost 80 soles at first but drastically went down to 20 soles once I convinced the seller.

Machu Picchu is a truly wonderful experience, I hope you get the chance to see it and I highly recommend going there whenever you have the chance. Remember to bring tons of sunscreen because the sun is going to melt you.

Here is a video of what your experience might look like:



Tiago Escajadillo
18 Travelers

HI! I am Tiago Escajadillo, I am currently writing on medium for school projects, I am definitely writing more in the future. One more thing, I am from Peru! :)