Mishelle Abusada
18 Travelers
Published in
6 min readDec 14, 2015


The Wonders of Peruvian Food

“The best Peruvian restaurant has arrived”

Do you ever think about trying the best Peruvian food but you don’t know where to go? La Huaca is known for the top restaurants of Peru and it is my favorite restaurant, it is rated with 4.5 stars according to Tripadvisor a famous and recognized webpage for their reviews and they state that 1209 people out of 1,408 people, so 86% of them say that it was an excellent decision to visit La Huaca. La Huaca was founded in 2001 by Arturo Rubio (former owner of Pabellon de Caza restaurant on Surco) and Arturo Madueño. La Huaca is located in Lima, Peru in Miraflores, General Borgoño street, block 8. It is recognized for its exquisite peruvian food and its location in an archaeological site of La Huaca Pucllana. Lastly getting there is very simple, you can call a taxi or drive your own car, it only takes about 20–30 minutes to arrive from El pedregal, Lima.

La Huaca is a unique and prestigious restaurant because of the marvelous atmosphere that surrounds it. It is located inside an archaeological site of La Huaca Pucllana. You will be amazed when going through the wooden tall doors of the warm but modern restaurant of La Huaca. There were 45 tables decorated with beautiful flowers and covered by an elegant table cloth. You will immediately feet welcomed because of the unenclosed space it possess. The space is decorated with tree trunks and antique windows. After watching all of it’s wonderful decorations I will definitely recommend you to seat in an outside table where the air is fresh and you can observe the glorious and interesting agricultural site of La Huaca Pucllana.

I was so amazed and you will for sure be with the magnificent views, that you will feel that you have to know everything about it, a gentleman named Alejandro Ponce Mendoza who has worked in La Huaca restaurant for 15 years and has being Arturo Rubio’s right hand for 40 years told me everything about it and now I am going to tell you. He mentioned that La Huaca was a ceremonial place that the cultures of Lima and Huari constructed. He explained that before La Huaca restaurant arrived, the place was full of trash and was used for motocross, but Mr. Arturo Rubio said “ While I was walking past this landfill I visioned it was going to be a successful restaurant” , this made him ask for a concession to “Municipalidad de Miraflores” next to the area were La Huaca is located now and give a value to the archaeological site that was in front of them. This story was really inspiring and you should go there to see it yourself and discover how it really looks today and perhaps learn more about it while you eat your breathtaking lunch.

The atmosphere wasn’t the only thing that will make your visit pleasant, La Huaca service is exceptional. As soon as you seat down the waitresses will quickly come to take your order. When I went to La Huaca the Maitre of the restaurant called Alejandro introduced himself and he was open to any type of question I had. So don’t hesitate if you have any questions because they will be there to serve you well. As you order he will give lots of interesting and practical suggestions and recommendations for some peruvian dishes that you will definitely want to order.

Alejandro made me feel welcomed and confident about what I was about to order. According to Alejandro “La Huaca goal is to satisfy every client and make them feel welcome”. This is a unique characteristic because in many other restaurants in Peru, you will not feel as welcomed as you may in La Huaca. In la Huaca they are always there for you, you don’t have to call the waitresses, they will come to you when they see that you need help. This isn’t only me who is saying this there are lots of famous and important people who have had dinner in this restaurant and have said it is the best, for example Andy Roddick went to visit la Huaca in 2009 and the queen of spain went in 2002. Finally, If you want to experience this yourself you should go to La Huaca.

My favorite part of the visit was getting to eat La Huaca’s exquisite dishes and it will forsure be your best as well. There were plenty of plates, but I only ordered four recommended plates which I am proud of ordering because they were delicious. The first one was “anticuchos” a typical plate in Peru. I could feel the wetness and softness of the meat and the different flavors of red vinegar, aji panca and a little bit of salt and pepper inside the sauce which made my mouth water. Then, to accompany this dish I ordered “Conchitas a la parmesana” this plate brought many memories to my mind just by smelling the acidic odor that the lime delivered and feeling the gratinated cheese that covered the entire shell. I couldn’t stop there, so I ordered a typical plate served in Peru called “Lomo Saltado”, this was the best dish I had during my visit, I could sense and flavor the juice of the tomato with the softness of the meat which melted in my mouth with the crunch of the peruvian yellow potatoes. Finally, to close my dinner I asked for a desert called “Suspiro Limeño, this was an exceptional way to finish my dinner because of the sweet caramel cream and the meringue on top, it was splendid, so when you go to visit La Huaca this are some dishes you will need to order.

My experience at La Huaca was certainly positive. It has an outstanding atmosphere, service and most importantly it’s peruvian food. La Huaca is perfect to go with your family for an elegant dinner or just for a delicious lunch. As you consume the explendid dishes that the marvelous service brought you, you would be admiring the archaeological site of La Huaca with your family or friends. I tell you for sure that this will be your best experience at a peruvian restaurant. La Huaca is indeed the best restaurant I have gone to in Peru and there is 1209 more people that have taken the time to make a review for this fantastic restaurant and they have the same opinion as I do and I am sure it is also going to be yours.



Mishelle Abusada
18 Travelers

I am from Lima, Peru and study in Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt. My pasion is playing tennis but I am starting to write some articles about Travel experienc