7 Reasons to go to the 7th edition of 180 Creative Camp

180 Creative Camp
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2018

180 Creative Camp is a week of creative collaborations in Media Arts happening in Abrantes, Portugal. This year edition will happen from 1 to 8 July. The workshop’s line-up of 180 Creative Camp is already reveled: George Muncey (from Negative Feedback), Devin Blaskovich, Jack Turits, Jordy van den Nieuwendijk and The Royal Studio. But the Academy is so much more than that! We’ll have a chance to have a talk with Elise By Olsen, Lucy Bourton from It’s Nice That and the representatives of major European cultural events from We Are Europe network. So much to learn — you can’t miss it!

Do you need more reasons to go?

Here is a 7-reasons guide to convince your boss, your family or yourself that coming to 180 Creative Camp is the best thing you’ll do this summer!

1.It’s a huge networking opportunity. You’ll get the time to work with an international group of artists and the space to make new work connections.

2. In a week full of workshops, you’ll have the chance to interact with the invited artists, such as George Muncey from Negative Feedback or Jack Turits among others.

Besides from working together, you’ll stay at the same place, eat at the same table and have fun with them. Also, the artists can give you feedback about your portfolio.

3. 180 Creative Camp reunites people from different fields of creative work. In a place full of creative minds, you’ll get the perfect inspiration for starting your new projects.

4. The camp is always a social experience. You get the chance to meet new friends, have fun, go to concerts, eat, drink and spend time together with others.

5. It’s a full week of holidays in sunny Abrantes. Sometimes is good to be far from the metropolis and do a digital detox.

6. If you came from abroad you’ll get to know the portuguese culture from the traditional city of flowers, Abrantes.

7. Besides from the artists and your colleagues, you’ll have the lucky chance to interact with the locals. It’s time to get your hands dirty and make some impact on the public space of Abrantes.

You can’t miss it!💥Join us between 1st and 8th of July, 2018. A new bundle of full tickets is already available here, including participation in all the activities, food and accommodation.

