Gift Box 180 Creative Camp 🎁

180 Creative Camp
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2017

Before talking about the future, shall we concentrate in the present before it’s gone? 2017 gave us so many things we’re proud we made happen. And because good things are meant to be shared and Christmas is all about sharing (and eating, but let’s keep that for other contexts), we wanted to create a cheerful box full of presents that came out of this year’s 180 Creative Camp. It’s our present, yet already with our eyes on the future.

A Perfect World

Two minds capturing two other minds. André Martins and Tiago Lemos spent the week in Abrantes following Julio Rölle and Sebastian Bagge, the team behind 44Flavours. The result is an adventure all over the town, unveiling local artists or giving a new life to abandoned places, while getting to know better the true essence of this multimedia duo’s colorful art-meets-design-work. This documentary was also endorsed by Jeff Hamada from BOOOOOOM.

A Perfect World

Dicionário Abrantes

The result of one of the workshops of the week, directed by graphic designers Inês Nepomuceno and Moriz Oberberger. Abrantes Dictionary is a collection mirroring the feelings of every participant towards the city that hosted them during 180 Creative Camp. Pdf here.

Conjunto Corona at 180 Creative Camp

There was never such a record of a band at 180 Creative Camp. This year the time came and a glimpse of the craziness behind Conjunto Corona was captured in a truly cinematic journey, captured by Francisco Lobo.

Conjunto Corona at 180 Creative Camp

Life Beyond Our Screens

Those 7 days spent at cozy Abrantes in the company of strangers-that-soon-became-dear-friends made us reflect on the never questionable importance of physical meetings. Internet is great, but chatting without typing is way better and sending emotions without the help of emojis is still the best formula.

Life Beyond Our Screens

A Portrait of 180 Creative Camp 2017 by Matilde Viegas

It was the first time we had an analog photographer at the camp and the experienced couldn’t have been better: waiting a few weeks after the event for the films to be developed it’s so romantic! Plus Matilde Viegas was a wonderful first choice, with her heart-warming attention to details and sharp portrait skills. Here is the final selection of her work. Photos here.

Aurantes, Abrantes

Perhaps the shiniest intervention Abrantes has ever seen since the arrival of 180 Creative Camp! The golden corner resembles the city’s historical connection to the quest of gold, Diogo Aguiar Studio’s piece was encapsulated through the lens of Francisco Nogueira. Photos here.

Aurantes/Abrantes by Diogo Aguiar Studio

