Meet Jeff Hamada from Booooooom

180 Creative Camp
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2017


Within two weeks, we’ll be at Abrantes enjoying one week of creativity, of learning, and of extremely hot weather. This is a circumlocution for, of course, 180 Creative Camp.

While we wait for it, we’ve decided to make a few quick questions to some of the artists who are going to be there with us. First up is the incredible Jeff Hamada, artist behind the creation of Booooooom, one of the most significant visual art blogs in the tiny little corner that is internet.

What do you want participants to really know about Booooooom?

Booooooom genuinely cares about helping young artists get to the next level. Beyond the daily visual inspiration we publish, we spend a lot of our time connecting galleries, agencies, festivals, and brands of all kinds, to emerging talent! Every young artist should be sending us work so we can help.

What comes to your mind when you think about Creative Collaborations in Media Arts?

Collaboration is one of the important things in my opinion! These days we’re more and more in danger of getting stuck in our own way of thinking thanks to social media algorithms that simply echo back what we already like. Working with other people, especially ones outside of your immediate circle of friends, will reveal so many new things or new ways of doing things you already do.

What do you expect to create during your stay in Abrantes?

Many new friendships!

What should we be listening, reading and watching right now?

Look up “kasou taishou” on Youtube. If you’ve never seen this show you won’t get anything else done for like a week. Pure inspiration. Here’s a playlist.

