No I insist, after you.

Janus Avivson
186th Squadron
Published in
5 min readFeb 9, 2018
Iron within, iron without

So, it’s been a while since I last wrote. I have been to several tournaments with the wookie stress list and achieved mixed results. With the Sheathipede out, I had considered swapping Braylen for Ezra, leaving me with points to upgrade the Liberator to Wulffaro, and also to tinker with upgrades.

Casual game Hi Poe, bye Poe

However taking inspiration from Phil GC’s blog here, I came up with a totally different list to try out on a casual night.

No I insist, after you

Fenn Rau — Protectorate Starfighter 28
Attanni Mindlink 1
Autothrusters 2
Concord Dawn Protector 1
Ship Total: 32

Guri — StarViper 30
Attanni Mindlink 1
Autothrusters 2
StarViper Mk. II -3
Ship Total: 30

Thweek — StarViper 28
Flechette Torpedoes 2
Fire-Control System 2
Glitterstim 2
Autothrusters 2
StarViper Mk. II -3
Virago 1
Ship Total: 34

List Total:96

Casual game Thweek in action vs PS 11 Kylo

This was amazingly fun and very different from the slow and steady wookie gunships, so I decided to fly scum at the Warboar London Regional on February 3rd. In every game, Thweek stole the PS of the highest opposing ship, and I won initiative every game, giving it to my opponent (living up to the name of the squad).

Round One was vs Zach Smith flying Rebels, PS 10 Wes and Fenn, alongside tanky Nora (R2D2, C3P0, Push the Limit).

I decided to flank with Fenn, while Guri and Thweek went central, waiting to pounce, the turn after we engaged I traded Fenn for Wes, but then realised that I was down by a point as Fenn cost 32 to Wes’ 31. Rebel Fenn was the easier kill, but had turned away from the combat, so I sent Guri and Thweek after Nora. She ended up taking a PS 0 crit, which meant Guri could take full advantage of the one bank template after moving, and the game didn’t last much longer.


Guri and Thweek pounce on Nora

Round Two was vs Rebels, Lowhhrick, Wulffaro and Braylen.

I had played this list in a previous tournament (I lost with stress wookies), and his Lone Wolf wulffaro with Rey and Finn along with M9-G8 on Braylen allows him to hit very hard.

A mistake when setting up saw Fenn charge off towards a flanking Wulf, so I decided to bypass Wulf and head straight for Lowhhrick. I lost Fenn but managed to kill Lowhhrick soon after, then my attention turned to Braylen, who also melted. I then managed to correctly put Guri in the right places, blocking Wulffaro (thanks to a lot of experience with flying wookie gunships) while Thweek danced around and gunned him down.


Fenn died the next turn, but Lowhhrick soon followed

Round Three was vs Chris Horswill flying Imperials: VI Quickdraw and 2 generic Tie Silencers.

This game was just awesome. Apart from my flechette torp and QD’s rear arc, we had 6 ships on the board without turrets or harpoon missiles, and we had a real good dog fight. I managed to land a fair bit of damage, but with engaging in the asteroid field against ships moving before me, it was rather difficult to stay on target, while the FCS and advanced optics on the silencers helped him whittle my ships down.


Engaging in the rocks didn't prove to be a good idea.

Round Four was vs Olly Astbury flying Imperials: VI Quickdraw with a cruise, a harpoon Rho and Juking x7 Col Vessery.

I set up Fenn to flank, but his Quickdraw turned in, then I made a massive mistake and left Fenn in range 2 of a 4 straight from Quickdraw. a 5 hit cruise missile ended Fenn on the second turn, and the rest of my list soon followed.


With Fenn dead, Guri and Thweek have their work cut out

Round Five was vs Ben Duguid flying Imperials: Col Vessery with TIE D and Ion Cannon, PTL X7 Ryad and a harpoon Nu.

Fenn and Guri jousted while Thweek flanked. Fenn died, and then Guri died soon after. But for the death of the Nu and Vessery. Leaving Ryad vs Thweek. They played tag for the rest of the game. Thweek denying shots but unable to pierce through Ryad’s defence.


(not a bump) MK2 title is so good, but so is the X7 title.

Round Six was vs Ian Courtney’s Rebels: Airen Cracken, Trajectory sim Bomblett Generator Nym and Horton with a TLT.

Both Cracken and Nym were PS 9, letting me flank with Fenn, however I left Fenn at range 2 of Horton with a plasma torp, and after Cracken fired at Guri, a plasma torp did serious damage to Fenn. I killed Cracken, but Fenn died soon after. Guri then died, and Thweek got punished with a PS 0 crit for a foolish boost into R1 of Horton’s Primary arc. He didn’t manage to kill anything else before eventually dying.


Fenn flanks hard, and Guri takes a harpoon

I finished bottom of the 3–3s, however I didn’t ever feel that the games I lost were unwinnable. Foolish mistakes and a few edgy dice rolls helped me lose for sure.

I really enjoy this list, its so different from my old reliable wookies, but in a good way. I am trying to refine a Lowhhrick, Wulffaro and Ezra stress list, but am enjoying bendy barrel rolls too much.

Casual game Rey gets pincer-ed between all three ships
Casual game Fenn does what Fenn does best (he suffered no damage)

