The Brexit Debate

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2 min readDec 5, 2018

In collaboration with Brunswick, we gathered this morning with Lord Charles Powell, John Wilton, Steve McBain, and Nancy Hungerford to discuss this intellectual stimulus: “Brexit is a vote about identity, a white anglo-saxon identity.” As the world debates nationalism and immigration, a living case study in the United Kingdom unravels right before our eyes.

Nancy Hungerford, Lord Charles Powell, John Wilton, Steve McBain

The unequal distribution of wealth has provoked the disenfranchised to rise and ask of immigrants: “what are they going to take from us?” instead of “what will they contribute?” With investments flowing out of the country, will their emotional outburst soon give way to rationality and lead to a second referendum? The potential depreciation of the pound has perhaps one positive outlook — that the country is made so attractive as a tourist destination and the UK becomes a tacky disneyland reaping economic benefits to alleviate their fiscal issues.

As we all conceded that Theresa May’s deal is probably the best poison to ingest in time of confusion, resignations, treachery, and contradictions, there will certainly be more twists as the story continues to unfold. Though the UK is marching towards folly, they will ultimately survive. All is not lost.




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