
Ashley Cozby
Published in
1 min readSep 5, 2018

The greatest thing to happen to me

It feels like a dream

I love the way you hold me

I’m so happy I want to scream

The way your lips feel

I don’t know what to say

Can’t believe this is real

I never want you to go away

I love the way you speak to me

You never even have to try

I really wish you could see

Sometimes I’m so happy, I cry

I never want this to end

You are my world and more

I hope you understand

You are what I’ve been waiting for

I love everything about you

I believe there is no wrong

I can’t stop thinking of you

Our love is like a song

I’m so scared to lose you

Even though you say I won’t

I believe you speak the truth

I want to worry, but I don’t

As long as you are with me

There is hope on this path I see

Ashley H.



Ashley Cozby

I'm a CNA that loves to take care of others & write.