Jude E. Legacy
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2019


Hello, Internet. Stellar here.

Like most young people of my generation, the Millennials, YouTube has become this wondrous thing where anyone and anything can become famous. It’s a wondrous land of memes and stardom. But, for all the nerds, geeks and dorks, it’s a place where one can learn.

What does this have to do with depression? You’ve seen the title. You know I’m getting there.

Being the nerd I am, I love AsapSCIENCE. If you don’t know, it’s an educational YouTube channel that has videos explaining anything from how much your body’s worth to amazing Earth facts that will blow your mind.

If you’re curious about them, I’ll leave a link. But, you have to read the rest of this first. Please. I beg you. 😉


Anyway, they did a video about depression, which I found intriguing. It’s like they were picking through my brain and offering me explanations for the way I am. I appreciate that. Thanks, science (Insert the “the more you know” meme here).

Anyway, I have had my own battles with depression. Still do.

I would like to think that everyone does at some point in their lives, but I don’t know. I can’t open up your head, look inside and see all your thoughts, like the pensieve from Harry Potter… Come to think of it, I don’t know if that would be cool or gross…

Side tangent over. The point is, I understand a bit about how it feels to be depressed, to hate yourself every day and wish everything could be over. People tell me they see that in the themes of my poetry and short stories all the time.

There’s no happy pill to turn off depression, although there are anti-depressants that can help with the symptoms of depression. There’s no place where sadness doesn’t exist. Bad things happen. That’s the way life is, unfortunately.

But, what I’ve begun to realize, thanks to videos like the one from Asap SCIENCE, is that depression and any other mental illness has a reason as to why it’s happening. It’s just like if you’ve broken your leg. Your leg needs to be put in a cast so that it can heal. However, in this analogy, I suppose your brain is your leg and seeing a therapist or taking anti-depressants is the cast… Not too great a comparison, but you get the point!

Depression is big, scary and can ruin your life if you let it. But, there’s always hope. There’s always a way out. So, yeah. That’s what I’ve got to say. So, for now, that’s it, Internet. Thanks for visiting.

Sincerely yours,

Stellar Cascade



Jude E. Legacy

I’m a college student that likes to write poetry. I also have a blog website where you can find more of my work: stellarcascadeblogs.com