
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2021

At times in our lives we will have to go through tough stuff, alone.

It is quite often said that when we get through tough stuff alone, we get stronger. That belief, I think, put us humans in an imaginary competition of who will be the strongest of us all.

Dear, don’t you know; asking for help that is available, accepting help that is given, don’t you know that is truly what builds strength within you?

Dear, don’t you know; deciding to push all well-intentions is what makes you build more weapons? stronger weapons? Don’t you know that these weapons eventually direct themselves at you?

Dear, please accept what goodwill is given before you are… rotting; I do not mean underground.

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The truth is that yes, much of the help that shall be given to us may hurt us, and sometimes, it might be deadly.

But dear don’t you think, if bees never stung homosapiens, we wouldn’t have known that they sting?

How else would you know what kind of help you would need?

The problem with bees, is that their intentions are to help, but themselves.

The problem with bees, is that they end up hurting both sides.

Some people may think of this and reason,

“ No help to be offered, no help to be taken.”

But dear, it is the less experience with help that makes humans unable to help.
Dear, if you never learned how to read, would you be able to read?
Dear, if you never learned the language that is being read by, would you ever understand it?

How do we expect every trial to be a success?

Why are we so attracted to cheap success when success is simply a delusion.

Dear! Life is all about the passion!

Dear! Life is all about the learned!

Dear! Life is all about the love!

How do we expect every step to be forward?

Why are we so attracted to walking without moving?

Dear! Walking may be right or left!

Dear! Walking may be in front or backward!

Dear! Crawling is sometimes the only means to move!

We say help is for the weak, but how is weakness in moving forward, while loner stagnancy is cheered upon with voices that say none but care not!

Dear! How can you not see the mess in what our minds choose.

Dear! How can you not see the mess in what out tongues spout.

Dear, I know your scars,
Dear, I know your wounds,
Dear, I know,

But, dear, you are going to be okay using your heart.

Why? What is the point when backstab is the top hashtag when it comes to human actions?

Because hurt shall be caused no matter what, why do we always choose the hurt that is fated to bring upon hurtful karma? Then we complain that life is none but hardship?

I think our shaming for asking help stems from the actions we decided to be sins,


Perhaps, not allowing humans to be… humans was where our humanity slowly started dying.

“Oh, so you think you or I, single humans, can make a difference in this wide world?”

Dear, don’t you see, human population made of single humans?

Dear, don’t you realize, single humans were those to start our loss for our natures.

Dear, do you not know, single humans are also called mothers?

Dear, do you not know, single humans are those to discover what changes history forever?

Dear, don’t you hear, the insecurity that comes out from between your teeth?

Dear, don’t you hear, the broken beating of your very heart?

Dear, don’t you see, the amount of love you are not given?

Dear, don’t you see, the amount of love you feel need?

When shall we start saying yes to love, and no to hate.

When? Please… our heart are breaking.





I am a writer for the 18percent blog. I write about mental health issues and share experiences from my own life in order to show how bad they really are.