Eric McDaniel
19 Days: Essays
Published in
1 min readApr 23, 2016


Thursday, March 24th, 2016

Here’s a list I made of all the sounds in the hospital:

  • heart-rate elevation beeping
  • sleep-apnea beeping
  • blood pressure beeping
  • unidentified alarm beeping
  • low-battery beeping
  • out-of-fluid beeping
  • beeping from a stranded machine in the hall
  • beeping for the next room
  • beeping from down the hall
  • muffled nurse gossip
  • a family’s cheers when their daughter says her name (again, post-accident?) for the first time; she is 28.
  • sharp inhale
  • sharp inhale
  • sharp inhale
  • hiccups
  • groans
  • doctors yelling to wake Tom, instructing him to squeeze fingers.
  • an explanation of Glasgow Coma Score
  • silence
  • HGTV
  • Kate typing quickly
  • I forgot to turn the volume down before I launched the coma score video on my phone
  • sharp inhale
  • sharp inhale
  • sharp inhale
  • groan
  • hiccups
  • groan
  • snoring
  • oxygen bubbler
  • unidenfied beeping
  • silence
  • elevator
  • inexplicably, a live jazz band in the lobby
  • elevator
  • sharp inhale, then groan
  • snoring

Then I fell asleep.

This is a part of a series of essays which I began while my step-father Tom — a good man — was undergoing treatment for particularly aggressive brain cancer. He began experiencing acute symptoms on March 6th, 2016, and passed away nineteen days later.

His family and friends started a college scholarship fund in his memory. If you would like to donate, you can do so at


