How To Be A Good Human And Leader In A Crisis — Field Guide

Nikos Psaltopoulos
5 min readMay 6, 2020

Looking after people and creating an empowered remote working culture is how to build a resilient business.

Photo by Toa Heftiba

A crisis can either make us or break us. Let it make us.

In times like these, we see the best and worst in people.

As pressure and anxiety heighten, some leaders can be reactive with teams, colleagues and even customers — all with negative impact. Usually irreversible.

No good comes from aggressive arm-waving debates or ego fuelled personality-driven shouting matches.

No good comes from divisive, counterproductive conversations that deflect from the real issues and bring people down rather than elevate them.

No good comes from these actions at the best of times let alone challenging times.

These actions represent a scarcity mindset — there’s no abundance here.

The pressure on leaders is real — and mounting. Concern for people. Disrupted workflows. Changing priorities. Record levels of unemployment. Financial downturn. Impending recession. Chasing targets set in a pre-COVID19 world. The unknown.

It’s tough being a leader — it’s even harder in a new world disorder.



Nikos Psaltopoulos

C-Leader | Founder | Advisor | Former COO at MarineTraffic 🚀 Exit | Chief of Staff at Tototheo Global