Save Time And Money With AI Automation for E-commerce Customer Support | Intelligent Email Chatbot

Rob Mkrtchian
Published in
9 min readAug 17, 2023

Are you an online shop owner or e-commerce agency? If so, you know how much time and money it can take to efficiently handle customer inquiries. But what if there was a way to save yourself both time and money while still ensuring your customers get the best possible service? With the help of AI automation, e-commerce customer support just got simpler. In this blog post, let’s explore why using a complex email chatbot for e-commerce customer support is one of the best ways to streamline your routine tasks and boost customer satisfaction at the same time.

Illustration of AI Chatbot Handling E-commerce Business Customer Emails

How an AI-powered Email Chatbot Works

In an era where businesses are consistently striving to improve efficiency and offer enhanced customer experiences, AI-powered email chatbots have emerged as pivotal tools. So, how do these chatbots function? At their core, they use advanced machine learning models to understand, interpret, and respond to incoming emails.

Imagine a customer sends an email asking about the status of their order. Instead of the query waiting in a queue until a human agent becomes available, an AI email chatbot immediately jumps into action. It scans the content of the email, understands the context, and fetches the necessary information, perhaps by integrating with an e-commerce platform like Shopify. Armed with the relevant order data, the chatbot then drafts a personalized reply. This entire process can occur in mere moments, much faster than traditional customer support.

But it’s not just about speed. These chatbots are designed to handle multi-layered conversations. That means if a customer has multiple queries in one email or uses colloquial language, the AI can comprehend the context and respond appropriately. It’s like having a knowledgeable and efficient customer support agent that doesn’t tire, working 24/7.

Moreover, as these chatbots continue to interact with customers, they learn and refine their understanding. Over time, their responses become more accurate and tailored, ensuring that customers feel heard and understood.

Introducing the Benefits of Email Chatbot for E-commerce Customer Support

Here’s why this innovation is redefining the future of e-commerce:

  • Round-the-Clock Service: Whether it’s the crack of dawn or late into the night, chatbots like ensure that every customer’s query is promptly addressed. No more waiting for the next business day!
  • Swift and Efficient Responses: Gone are the days of prolonged wait times. Customers get rapid replies, bolstering their overall satisfaction with your brand.
  • Scalability on Demand: Peak sale days? No problem. The chatbot can effortlessly juggle numerous queries, ensuring no customer is left waiting. No seasonal hiring overheads anymore.
  • Emotional Intelligence: By analyzing sentiment in messages, advanced Large Language Models can craft nuanced replies, resonating emotionally with the customer.
  • Self-Improvement: Continuous learning mechanisms mean the chatbot refines its interactions over time, optimizing its efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Economic Advantages: With automated chatbots, businesses can achieve considerable savings in both time and money, sidestepping the usual expenses linked with traditional customer support setups, thus reducing the cost of each crafted reply.
  • Breaking Language Barriers: With multilingual capabilities, brands can reach out and connect with a broader, global audience effortlessly. Currently e-commerce email chatbots like can communicate with customers in 26 languages.
  • Integrated Efficiency: Seamless integrations with platforms like Shopify and Gmail, along with features like automatic email management allows it to draft personalized responses by learning the previous email conversation, retrieve customer data about orders, addresses and previous issues, tap into the store’s knowledge base, and even adjust to varying sales volumes with ease.
  • Autonomy and Ease: There’s no constant need to check emails. The chatbot either auto-sends replies or drafts them for final review, allowing businesses to focus on core operations.

In essence, an AI-powered email chatbot not only supercharges the e-commerce customer support experience but also brings tangible operational and economic advantages to the table.

Reasons to Use an AI-Powered Email Chatbot for E-commerce Customer Support

The e-commerce ecosystem is vast and complex, made up of different roles taking care of online shop operations, each with its unique challenges and objectives. The introduction of AI-powered tools, particularly in the realm of customer support, has the potential to offer transformative solutions across this spectrum. Here, we’ll delve into multiple perspectives, from the Shopify store owner to the C-level manager, showcasing how each can harness the power of email customer support chatbots for unparalleled benefits.

Shopify Store Owner Perspective:

For a solo Shopify store owner constantly juggling myriad tasks, managing customer support may require a lot of time away from vital growth-focused activities. Integrating AI-powered email chatbots like ensures that customer inquiries receive timely responses, allowing the owner to channel their energy into scaling the business.

E-commerce Store Manager or Freelance Customer Support Agent Perspective:

Time is the most limited resource, especially for freelancers or store managers who are paid by the hour or manage multiple clients. Every saved minute directly translates to increased earning potential. With an AI-driven system, these professionals can ensure their hours are optimized, allowing them to handle more clients and, subsequently, increase their income.

E-commerce Business Owner or C-Level Manager Perspective:

It’s always a balancing act between maintaining service quality and managing operational costs. Through AI chatbot solutions, these business owners and top managers can achieve cost optimization at scale. The simple maths shows this:

Traditional Customer Support Costing:

  • Best Case: $0.40/email
  • Worst Case: $1.50/email
  • Average Cost: $0.95/email

Calculated based on market average hour rate for customer support agent and number of emails an individual customer agent handles in an hour timeframe.

With’s Enhanced Productivity, the process is accelerated to 3x the traditional method, reducing the cost to about $0.32/email. Taking into account’s service charge of $0.50/email, the combined cost is a mere $0.82/email. This results in a clear savings of $0.13 per email, and for a monthly volume of 3000 emails, that’s a saving of 14% or $390.

Digital Marketing & Outsourcing Customer Support Agency Perspective:

Such agencies are under consistent pressure to offer superior services while managing their bottom lines. By transitioning to an AI-driven customer support model, not only can these agencies provide enhanced services like multilingual support and 24/7 availability, but they also significantly boost their profit margins. When client satisfaction is paired with operational efficiency, it’s a win-win.

To sum it up, whether you’re an entrepreneur seeking to amplify your store’s growth, a manager wanting to enhance productivity, or an agency aiming for service excellence and profitability, leveraging AI in customer support offers tangible benefits.

Tips on how to get started with setting up an email chatbot for e-commerce customer support

We’ll take as an example for an e-commerce email chatbot. Its setup process is straightforward and accessible. With platforms like, e-commerce businesses of all sizes have the ability to integrate AI seamlessly into their customer support operations. Let’s break down the steps to efficiently set up for your e-commerce venture:

Book a Demo (Optional but Recommended): If you’re new to this realm or need a bit of hand-holding, initiate your journey by booking a demo with the team. Their experts will walk you through the entire process, ensuring you’re comfortable and set up for success. Book your demo here.

Gmail Integration:

  • Kick things off by granting access to your Gmail inbox.
  • It’s a straightforward procedure where you’ll be redirected to a consent screen. Simply select “allow”, authorizing to scan your emails and curate drafts on your behalf.

Connect to Shopify:

  • Dive into your Shopify store admin.
  • Find and copy your store’s API key and admin API key.
  • Pop over to and input these keys into the designated fields, establishing a robust link between your store and the AI tool for efficient data interchange.

Upload Your Knowledge Base:

  • This step is all about furnishing with the knowledge of your business — visualize it as orienting a new team member.
  • Populate it with FAQs, return requirements, refund criteria, business nuances, operational procedures, voice and tone guides, and more.
  • Here’s the catch: this is a one-off exercise. Unlike human personnel who might exit or necessitate training with every new agent, holds onto and refines its knowledge ceaselessly.

Set Filters:

  • Specify email addresses or subjects you wish to ignore them, ensuring you handle them manually.

Choose Your Mode — Draft or Autopilot:

  • Draft Mode: In this setting, generates a response but waits for you to hit the “send” button, allowing you time to review, edit if necessary, and then send at your discretion.
  • Autopilot Mode: If you’re already confident about letting take the lead, this mode is for you. The AI tool will immediately send out the generated email, ensuring ultra-fast response times for your customers.

While there are other nuances to discover, with the mentioned procedures, you’re ready to kick-start an AI-powered customer support experience.

Examples of successful email chatbot implementations for e-commerce customer support

Hands of Chatbot and Human

Let’s delve into the transformative journey of several brands. Here are some jaw-dropping real world examples that illustrate the benefits of AI customer support automation implementation for businesses.

Dukaan: This e-commerce platform made a bold move. Its CEO opted to lay off 90% of the support staff, replacing them with an AI chatbot. The results were dramatic: response times plummeted from 1m 44s to instant replies, resolution times dropped from 2h 13m to just over 3 minutes, and customer support costs slashed by approximately 85%.

Quick-Service Restaurants — KFC, Carl’s Jr., Hardee’s: These major players turned to Presto’s AI power. The outcome? An astounding 95% of drive-thru orders were managed without human intervention. By automating the drive-thru experience, these restaurants could reallocate their staff to roles that added more value, optimizing operations and improving service delivery.

Skull Shaver: A renowned brand for electric head shavers, Skull Shaver integrated for their UAE store, dealing with around 50 daily emails. Their feedback? “1hero crafts personalized, human-like replies without us having to jump between different apps or engage in tedious copy-pasting,” says the Skull Shaver UAE team.

Financially, this translated into substantial savings — approximately 30% on customer support operational costs. Customer support team experienced a 4x boost in efficiency, slashing the average response time from an average of 6 minutes to a mere 1.5 minutes per query. This 4x increase in efficiency wasn’t the only highlight. The brand also benefited from the chatbot’s 24/7 support capability, ensuring that customers received timely assistance regardless of the hour.

This AI-backed transformation not only redefined Skull Shaver’s customer support approach but also placed the brand at the cutting edge of e-commerce customer service, setting them apart in a competitive marketplace.

Blend Smart: With its revolutionary spinning-head makeup brush, Blend Smart’s integration of streamlined their customer support, especially during their ambitious expansion to Europe. With their business experiencing seasonal sales surges, they historically grappled with the dilemma of temporary staff hires to manage increased customer inquiries. This practice came with its challenges: from the financial burden of hiring overheads to the operational inefficiencies associated with onboarding and training new agents.

By integrating, Blend Smart found their solution in scalability. No longer did high seasons mean looking for new hires. Instead, the AI chatbot effortlessly scaled its services, ensuring all customer inquiries were handled promptly, regardless of the surge in volume.

Tisane Miraculeuse: Driven by a female entrepreneur, the brand’s challenges of growth were eased significantly with, allowing a focus on product quality and business expansion. The challenges were manifold — refining product quality, perfecting the supply chain, and mapping out growth strategies. Incorporating marked a turning point. By offloading and optimizing their customer support onto 1hero, the founder was free to channel her energies into pivotal business functions, propelling the brand forward.

From global behemoths to individual startups, the sentiment is clear: the integration of AI, like and others, isn’t merely an addition but a significant upgrade, reshaping the future of e-commerce customer support.


In today’s fast-paced e-commerce ecosystem, the integration of AI-powered solutions is not just about pioneering innovation or staying ahead of the competition. It’s fast becoming a pragmatic necessity. For customer support agencies, it means competitive pricing based on superior agent productivity. For retailers, it translates to reduced overheads and round-the-clock customer interaction. And for Shopify store managers and freelance customer support agents, it’s about delivering unparalleled value, ensuring their offerings stand out in an increasingly crowded freelancer market. The bottom line? Embracing AI in e-commerce is not a luxury or a badge of innovation; it’s now an essential strategy for remaining relevant and competitive.

