1 Hive August 2022 Monthly Recap

Solar Punk
Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2022

Hey everyone,
a new recap is finally out.

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Twitter: 1HiveAgave 1GardensNFBeez
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Previous Recaps:

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Swarms Monthly Recap

Agave Swarm:

While we are working on the sideline to implement new features on our money market platform, this month we have completed our documentation, where technical info, guides, information, and an archive of all our proposals are available. We will update this constantly, so take a look at it! AgaveDaoNotion

The growth of our protocol was underlined by reaching $10M in TVL for the first time, officially surpassing the TVL pre-re-entrancy attack.

Buzz Swarm:

We are keeping our focus on integrations, partnerships and internal-external communication as planned. Some of the milestones we achieved for the month of august are :

  • Brave wallet integration on Honeyswap and marketing campaign about it together with Brave team with this tweet and animation Honeyswap Tweet and Brave wallet tweet . Big thanks to Felipe who helped us with the deployment of the code and now all Brave wallet users can directly use Honeyswap. Thanks to @sewlie.eth for the animation, @dogeking and @solarmkd for the integration and @mrtdlgc for the write-up in Brave article
  • We also started Miro brainstorming on our weekly Buzz calls and this improved our productivity. Big thanks to @zer8 who suggested this platform.
  • We’ve celebrated 7000 Twitter followers on 1Hive with this Tweet 1this is a big milestone and we are still counting at least 80 more followers after the tweet on August 17th. Thanks to Rohekbenitez for the graphics.

Those are just some of the milestones for August and we are exploring more wallet integration opportunities with Bitkeep now, we’ve had a call with their team. Most of the calls are facilitated by @solarmkd and @dogeking for these integrations they had a call with Bitkeep representative and will proceed with the integrations where usually Felipe will be helping.

We are also working on some future integrations with other DAO tooling platforms and we are looking to grow 1Hive with this tooling. More on this in the upcoming months…


The NFBeez have been working in silence. Unfortunately, due to delays in artwork “The Cube” project did not meet the internal release date deadline. A potential new artist will be called upon to help complete the project also possibly adding a bit more to the original project itself. As new updates occur, we will be posting them on the channel.


On August 30, 2022, the Celeste court executed a ruling in Dispute #7 blocking the second proposal to collect funds for the 1Hive Harvest Season 1. In the fifth and final round due to a limitation on appeals, 71% of the votes by drawn Celeste keepers were to block the action. The dispute had been created on July 22, 2022.

The key issue that stood out in Discord chats was that proposal splitting bypassed how conviction voting works, and the Covenant required keepers to enforce the intention to use this mechanism. The challenger also argued that, in the circumstances, the ultimate funding goal would impede the intention to foster a healthy community economy.

The proposer answered that proposal splitting is not expressly prohibited by the Covenant and had not been challenged in the past. The proposer also argued that the funding goal is healthy and necessary to encourage contributions and governance participation.

This dispute prompted the 1Hive community to start redrafting the Covenant and reconsidering parameters for the DAO and Celeste. Potential improvements in Celeste were also observed. To this end, we would encourage everybody to share their thoughts on these matters.

Quests Swarm:

The Quests swarm has taken some rest this month and let the community adopt the platform before starting new features. However, we have raised funds to develop the next features and we made a poll to ask the community which features should come next.

Comments57%Play quest42%Campaigns28%Disputable quest28%Editable quest description14%Side funding with stablecoin14%NFT support0%Native token support for funding (xDai)0%

If you haven’t voted yet it’s still time: Link to poll

Links :

Gardens Swarm

Garden’s update will be added shortly

September’s recap will follow, stay tuned!


