Participating in the Blockchain for Social Impact Hackathon

Luke Duncan
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2017
Hive Commons participating in the Blockchain for Social Impact Coalition Hackathon

Last month I wrote a medium post introducing the Hive Commons concept. For those who are unfamiliar the basic idea is to facilitate the creation of a public commons governed by a liquid democracy tied to an Ethereum token with a distribution mechanism inspired by basic income. This mechanism will ensure that the network is publicly inclusive and governance of the commons aligns with public interest over time.

I believe strongly that the project will enable more effective forms of collective activism, facilitate publicly inclusive and transparent governance, and ultimately reduce negative externalities.

With that in mind I’m excited to be pursuing the project as part of ConsenSys’ Blockchain for Social Impact Hackathon that begins on the September 7th. Unlike a traditional hackathon, BSIC is positioning this program as a “Decentralized Impact Accelerator” with the goal of getting project like Hive Commons that are currently in the ideation stage to pitch-ready proposals complete a business plan and/or prototype. At the end of the one month hackathon, successful projects will get a opportunity to present to impact investors in the hopes of funding sustained development.

The hackathon is a perfect opportunity to refine the Hive Commons concept into something tangible and offers a unique chance to connect and collaborate with other passionate and likeminded individuals.

Join the Hive Commons Team!

In order maximize this opportunity I’m looking for a couple of people collaborate with, I think the following skills will be most important but not exhaustive. If you like the idea of the project and think you can add value do not hesitate to reach out.

Solidity Development

The project will require Ethereum smart-contracts written in solidity, during the course of the hackathon it will be important to work out requirements and estimate feasibility and cost of smart contract development. The team will need someone with the ability to scope this development to inform development and cost considerations in business plans and potentially develop prototypes.

Frontend Development

Interacting with smart contracts directly is… difficult. We should not expect that of users and will need to provide a user friendly interface, that means Frontend Development. Based on what Web3.0 projects are adopting, experience with React or Clojurescript is preferable. Again the expectation is that this person would inform scope and cost estimates for business plans as well as participate in development of initial prototypes.

UX and Graphic Design

Creating an intuitive and user friendly experience is critical for the project to gain traction, particularly with people who are not already deeply familiar with Ethereum and Web3.0. During the hackathon this person would be expected to lead the interface design, create mockups, and graphics that can be used in prototypes.

Deadline for Team Finalization

BSIC needs all teams to submit their team profile by 9/6. I will be traveling from 8/29 to 9/5 with intermittent access to the internet. If you are interested in joining the Hive Commons team please reach out to me at via email (luke — at — or by direct message on the BSIC slack (@lkngtn).

