25 Ways You Can Volunteer At Your Local Community This Summer (And All Year Round)

R. Markova
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2022

Are you looking to break the normal monotony of routine work by doing something that could make a difference in the lives of others but don’t know where to start? With this article, I will present you with ideas on how you can make a difference to your local community by volunteering. There are many ways that you can get involved and help those less fortunate than you. Volunteering is great fun for all ages and can give you an insight into local communities.

Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

Start with donations and collecting supplies

This is probably the easiest way you could volunteer: we all have clothes we no longer wear, too many pairs of shoes, and outerwear we no longer consider fashionably. Start your volunteering adventure by donating clothing and other supplies to charitable organizations that will further distribute them to those in need. There are many such organizations across the UK such as the British Heart Foundation (BHF) or The Overseas Disability Charity (CBM). You can also help collect and donate:

  • backpacks;
  • school supplies;
  • non-perishable food items;
  • stuffed animals;
  • hygiene essential products;
  • books and textbooks.

Be active in your community

Help out those in need by doing small tasks for them. Think about your elderly neighbors, single parents with kids, or those who have fallen ill. There are many ways you could help them, such as:

  • walking your neighbors’ dogs;
  • rake leaves or take out the trash;
  • mow your neighbor’s lawn;
  • babysit;
  • walk kids home from school;
  • help pick up cigarette butts and litter.

Share your knowledge: teach skills

Whether in-person or remotely, you could help others by sharing your knowledge and expertise in various areas. Teach children and adults in your spare time. The best part about this is that the sky’s the limit — showcase your strength in various fields by teaching others:

  • help kids with their homework or to give out-of-class lessons;
  • teach kids and youth to code, play music, soft skills, or math;
  • if you’re certified, teach CPR;
  • help foreigners to learn English (or any other language you’re good at!);
  • volunteer at your local sports club.
Photo by Josefa nDiaz on Unsplash

Be the fixer and problem-solver

There’s always need for a problem-solver! Work your magic to fix small issues in your community that can involve:

  • helping to paint a fence;
  • give a hand in your neighbor’s backyard or garden;
  • organize books at the local library;
  • renovate a run-down playground;
  • clean up the local park and clean up around trash bins.

Be an event manager

Host events for your neighbors and community. Whether it’s a garage sale, bake sale, or merely a summer get-together, take a pen and piece of paper and start planning!

  • host a dog wash or car wash;
  • organize outdoor birthday parties;
  • host painting, cooking, or crafting workshops.

Volunteering at your local community is one of the best way you can make a difference in your neighbors life and outside your house. Most people spend their whole lives or at least a big part of it, inside by the TV or spending time with friends and family at home. There are several people around us in our neighborhood that need help for anything, from simple tasks like gardening and organizing their attic to tasks that require more skill but aren’t so simple like writing a book.

Volunteering at your local community might be just what you’re looking for. The idea behind this list is to show you that there are infinite ways of volunteering, so chances are there’s something for everyone! No matter what time of the year it is, there’s a project close to you that would gladly accept your help volunteering! Check out the volunteering possibilities at 1HOUR or sign up to become a volunteer.

