How can I help?

Marta Mangiarulo
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2020

If we all volunteered for just an hour per year, think of the difference we could make. No lengthy commitments, no hassle trying to find a volunteer opportunity, just an hour to share your expertise.

At 1hour, we start with the concept of giving one hour of your time. Therefore, there is no commitment to give more (although we do find that people get hooked and want to come back again!)

We work with skilled volunteers and partner with schools and organisations looking for help. In the digital age that we all live in, you can make a difference from your home office. With a simple hour-long video call, you can share your expertise. To them, just an hour of your time could help to inspire future generations and enable schools to find external speakers with ease.

Volunteering online is simple — here’s how.

Firstly, you need to sign up here and let us know your skills.

Once signed up, you’ll then be able to look for digital volunteering opportunities to help schools offer extra subjects to their offering in the form of taster sessions. Don’t worry, we will support you along the way with resources to help plan your session, and connect you to a network of like-minded peers.

We’ve listed a few examples below to give you an idea — but the possibilities are endless. You could:

Teach coding to school children

Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

for example:

  • Basic Scratch, Python, Java, etc programming
  • Internet safety
  • Day in the life of a programmer, games developer, etc

Teach languages to school children

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

for example:

  • Give a taster into languages not currently available at the school
  • Talk about the specific country/culture where the language comes from
  • Help children prepare for foreign languages certifications or practice the language

Teach personal finance to school children

Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

for example:

  • Teach basic concepts about money and finances
  • Talk about the way technology is changing finance and making it easier to understand
  • Teach basic concepts about consumer psychology and purchase behaviours

These are just a few examples, but there are many ways you can volunteer online to share your knowledge and be a guest speaker in the classroom.

Sign up here to list your skills and connect to schools who’d love your help.

1hour is all it takes. Make a difference today.

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

One final thing, please help us spread the word:

  • Follow us on social media: Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook
  • Share this article on social media or with your friends/colleagues
  • Put us in touch with your HR/CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) team at work
  • Invite us to talk at relevant events/webinars
  • Share or connect us with your local schools/charitable organisations
  • Give us your feedback

If you would like to know more about 1hour and the ways you could help us, do not hesitate to get in touch with us!

