How To Get Back Into Volunteering After Summer Break

R. Markova
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2022
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Summer’s over. It’s time to go back to school, to work, and the everyday routine & to-dos. Going back to reality after summer is always a struggle. For some, it might be an even bigger struggle to get back on track with previous volunteering tasks and responsibilities. But it’s not mission impossible, and we’ll prove it to you.

Check out these 3 tips to help you get back in the habit of volunteering.

#1 | Start Small

That’s right, start small. There’s no need to dive into projects that will consume all of your spare time and leave you exhausted and overwhelmed. Make time for it. If your schedule is packed with work and extra-curricular activities, it can be hard to make time for volunteering. But even if it’s just an hour a week, volunteering is important — and it matters to the people around you! So find some time for yourself and make sure you’re doing something good in your community.

Look up volunteering opportunities in your area and pick one (or more!) that will best suit your availability and daily routines. Once you get back on track, you could gradually increase the time you devote to your chosen projects.

#2 | Volunteer With a Friend

The more, the merrier! Volunteer with a friend to have fun while you make a meaningful impact in someone’s life! Look at volunteering like a school or college project: brainstorm together and combine your strengths in your volunteering adventure! Volunteer with friends or family members who share similar interests or goals so that they can help hold each other accountable and encourage each other along the way

Together, you can also turn it into a game! Even if you only have 30 minutes to spare, set a goal for yourself — such as volunteering for five hours this week. Then, reward yourself when you reach that goal by doing something fun or relaxing. Soon enough, you’ll find yourself looking forward to reaching your time goals each week and not just because of the rewards! Consider re-engaging with old friends and colleagues who volunteer regularly — they can be great motivators!

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

#3 | Choose Wisely

Signing up for a random volunteering project might end up with you feeling bored and demotivated to keep going. Find out what intrigues you personally and use that information to guide your volunteering efforts. For example, if you know that being around other people makes you feel good and helps keep you motivated, then sign up for an activity that puts you in a group setting (such as helping at an animal shelter).

Are you looking for an opportunity to gain professional experience? Are you hoping to meet new people who share your interests? Do you want to give back to your community? Whatever it is, make sure it’s clearly defined in order to keep yourself motivated; if it’s not clear from the beginning, then how can you expect yourself to stick with something long-term?

If you’re wanting to get back in the habit of volunteering, these few tips from someone who’s been there make a great start. Volunteering might not be for everyone, but it is something that you should try out at least once. It’s a fantastic way to interact with your community, help those in need, and gain valuable connections. For ideas and volunteering opportunities, check out 1HOUR’s page or connect with the team on LinkedIn.

