Why We Volunteer: Three Hidden Benefits

R. Markova
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2022

According to TeamStage, in the USA and Canada, more than 38% of people donate from $101 to $999 to charitable projects. It is always great to make your own contribution to significant activities. However, not everybody are able to spend money. If you want to raise a call or draw attention to an important problem, investments are not the only way. Volunteering, especially in the educational sector, has a lot of hidden values. Let’s discuss the three most widespread ones.

Photo by Monica Sedra on Unsplash

1. Generosity is the key to being rich

The more you share, the more you get. Do you know what people mostly love to share? Most volunteers help others get accommodation and find a home. No wonder, it is the first need of every person to live in a comfort. Then, health, wellness, faith, and spirituality topics come onto the stage. Here, we see that mental health is accompanied by physical one. Volunteers who understand that try to contribute to this area, too.

After the basic needs are satisfied, the way to get the knowledge is open. No doubt, by sharing knowledge, you become more knowledgeable. That’s why helping children and teaching young people is as popular as getting involved in human and social services.

2. Dreamers will never die

Volunteers usually want to make this world a better place. It is about dreaming, having a good imagination, and the desire to make somebody’s dreams come true.

Once my mother had a conversation with a person who lives in an African country. He regretted not being able to get an education. In his opinion, it could lead him to more opportunities, a career, and a better lifestyle. However, his family was not able to send him to Europe to help him study. This person really tried to choose self-education, but it was hard for him.

Volunteers in the education sector try to remove this obstacle. They go to rural places and teach children and young people. This is their way to make dreams come true. An educated person is one who is able to build his life on a high level. You help children at an early age get what they will need when they become adults. Your help will save them because in adulthood they won’t regret not being able to study before.

Photo by Jorge Dominguez on Unsplash

3. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom

Teaching others is about bringing wisdom. Wisdom is what saves lives, stops wars, and helps solve problems peacefully. According to TheirWorld, there is a connection between countries with high levels of education affordable for everybody and a peaceful society there.

On one hand, when the war starts, it usually interrupts the educational process. On the other hand, when young people have to dedicate their lives to military actions, they are not able to study normally, and their mentality stops being peace-oriented. It means, that if we wish to stop terrorism, we have to bring education to these areas, first and foremost. If you are interested in this topic, we shared Greg Mortenson’s experience in fighting terrorism via education in this article.

The mindset of people is getting different. For instance, war is about destruction, but education is about reaching diversity and understanding another side. You explore more about other cultures, and you help your own culture survive. That’s your contribution to globalism.

If this challenge seems good enough to take, join 1HOUR. Take your first steps volunteering for a better education.

