Building a More Sustainable Future

1 Million 1 Love
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2018

By Ahmed Muneeb, Cofounder

The topic of sustainability is one that has been increasing over the last few years, as younger generations have demanded an active approach to social responsibility.

Having been involved in the financial services industry for over seven years, social impact and sustainability became two very important overarching themes and demands of newer investors. This demand was further enforced by the United Nations creating 17 sustainable development goals back in 2015 to be met by 2030 — dubbed “the 2030 agenda”.

Source: United Nations

As an individual passionate about social enterprises, being connected to them was always a challenge. As an aspiring social entrepreneur looking to connect with more experienced social entrepreneurs who have built social enterprises of their own, was another challenge.

A lot of projects never get started to begin with due to various factors that include lack of resources, tools, mentorship, and financial capital. This is especially true when it comes to social projects that present unique challenges of their own.

It’s wrong.

Building social enterprises should be placed at a priority in order to fulfill a societal need and stories of other activists and social entrepreneurs must be highlighted to create that support system.

That global connectivity must be there so we could solve serious issues that affect all of us through the power of an enterprise.

The 1M1L Promise

As a co-founder of 1 Million 1 Love (1M1L), we want to work to solve for this issue so that social projects become a reality. We are creating a supportive community with individuals and organizations to be connected with one another and for each other.

Our Vision

To build a global community passionate about developing a more sustainable future.

Our Goal

To inspire, empower and connect at least 1 million people and socially responsible organizations dedicated to making a difference in their local communities that leave a lasting global impact.


We Also Have a Fun Goal, and We Need Your Help

In the next few days, our 1M1L is scheduled to launch highlighted by our digital exposition. We believe that anyone could create a social impact of their own through unique ways.

Through our digital exposition, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Upload a photo of yourself.
  2. Pick one of the United Nations 17 sustainable development goals that matter the most to you.
  3. Share your powerful message!

Our fun goal is to reach 1 million photo uploads to begin building towards our ultimate vision.

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Originally published at on November 9, 2018.



1 Million 1 Love

Building a global community passionate about developing a more sustainable future → Join our community at: