Write for Us

1 Million 1 Love
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2018

Love sharing stories and ideas about how to make the world a better place? Then join our growing community of writers!

At 1 Million 1 Love (1M1L), our vision to build a global community passionate about developing a more sustainable future.

Our goal is to inspire, empower and connect at least 1 million people and socially responsible organizations dedicated to making a difference in their local communities that leave a lasting global impact.

We welcome smart, thought-provoking and thought-leadership commentary on everything related to social impact, enterprise, sustainability, social innovation and organizational social responsibility.

Our pillars are centered around the groundbreaking United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, implemented in 2015. These should serve as your guidelines when submitting to us. As long your content is centered around one of these 17 sustainable development goals, we will strongly consider it for publication.

Note: Please make sure that your piece maintains an optimistic tone.

The best way to get a feel for what we’re looking for is to read the pieces we’ve already published. We want you to be as creative as possible. We welcome it, and we urge it.

Please send your submission with a quick background about yourself to our editor: ahmed@1million1love.org.

Must be on Medium, while we launch our internal blog. Once your piece is accepted, you will be added as a contributing writer to our publication!



1 Million 1 Love

Building a global community passionate about developing a more sustainable future → Join our community at: www.1m1l.org