The Coolest Places in Murphy Hall

Brianna Colantoni
One Month in Murphy
5 min readMay 1, 2023

By Brianna Colantoni, Livia Kleiner, Liliena Storer, and Emily Wilson

The front of Murphy Hall | A picture of the top of Murphy from

Welcome to Murphy Hall. This building was constructed in 1929 as a gymnasium and chapel. It was named after William Matthew Murphy, a fabric manufacturer born in 1860. The building was paid for by his wife, Mrs. Jane M. Murphy, who donated $20,000 to Beaver College for its construction.

Picture of the old Murphy Hall gymnasium, from the Arcadia archives

Murphy Hall has now transformed into the main spot for Media and Communication students, with a bit of art and music classes as well. As students who spend significant amounts of time there, we know all the best places. So, here is our list of the coolest places in Murphy Hall:

  1. The Lounge

Recent renovations have led to the creation of a new lounge for Media and Communication students to study in. Complete with food, water, and no privacy it’s a great place for students who love to be on display while studying. The massive glass walls make anyone in that room a spectacle for passersby. The free Nature Valley granola bars are great, but be careful: anyone walking by can see you spilling crumbs everywhere. I actually find it’s good motivation for studying; it forces me to constantly be working because I wouldn’t dare fall asleep knowing anyone could see me. Also, if you’re the kind of person who feels more comfortable on a couch instead of a chair, you should probably go home as sitting on the couch here is nearly indistinguishable from sitting on the floor.

The lounge in Murphy Hall

2. The Equipment Room

The equipment room is the place to be for all Media and Communication students because that is where any type of equipment can be checked out. As a student, you have to make sure you know exactly what equipment you want because you may go home with the wrong item if you aren’t careful. The best part about the equipment room is that you can barely hear your own thoughts over the constant noise that comes from the architecture of the building. Also, don’t forget to leave open food and drinks on the floor so you can make friends with the many creatures that inhabit the room. As you struggle to leave with all of your heavy equipment in hand, make sure to stare at all the people sitting in the lounge because it will surely make their day.

The equipment room in Murphy Hall

3. The Courtyard

I always wondered what the courtyard was all about. After almost two years at Arcadia and a handful of courses taken in Murphy Hall, I had never gotten the chance to visit it. On one Wednesday afternoon, I decided it was finally time and took a stroll out to the courtyard. Once and for all, I had my answer… it is used for absolutely nothing. Below the arch, a sidewalk splits two patches of grass, creating an array of unused space. Some recently installed tables and chairs have suddenly appeared since I first saw the courtyard. There is nothing quite like providing furniture to the nonexistent students spending time there. To top off the void, what is the deal with the shrubs cut into a spiral design? I think that every student who has a class in Murphy should collectively decide to start using the courtyard, just to throw a wrench in the simulation.

The courtyard in Murphy Hall

4. The Auditorium

If you love dance moms, you’ll love the Steitler auditorium. Where imagination and creativity clash with performance. As someone who isn’t a big fan of performance art, I haven’t been in Steitler since the beginning of the school year. I knew of the space, just never had a reason to go there. I really enjoy the quietness of it. I think studying here would be incredibly peaceful as it’s up the stairs and out of the way of the hustle and bustle of Murphy Hall. Instead of chairs, it’s filled up with PT medical benches and a bunch of other miscellaneous things. There’s even a skeleton in the corner. The quiet, somber vibes of Steitler make this place one of my favorites in Murphy.

The auditorium in Murphy Hall

Murphy has so many great places to visit. If you have visited Murphy Hall before, what is your favorite place? Watch the video of students sharing their favorite place in Murphy.

Also, here’s a little overview of some of the best resources that Murphy Hall offers!

