Introducing InTune — Write for Us

A music publication with an exciting rebrand

Stanley C.


Photo by Alphacolor on Unsplash

A couple of months ago N.J. Elliot (InTune’s founder) entrusted the publication to me. While his personal life was becoming more and more time consuming he made the forward-thinking decision to let me take on the reins.

Originally, InTune was about stories you had with music. Writers wrote about their relationship to albums and the importance of particular albums in their life. This purpose was incredibly inspiring and niche.

However, things changed.

When music publications started popping up like cherry blossoms in the spring InTune was outshined by its competitors. Unfortunately, it had to compromise its original vision and accept pieces like album reviews and music new’s type pieces. Not before long, InTune become just another run-of-the-mill music publication.

That changes today.

Welcome budding and veteran music writers! InTune will now be a music publication that focuses on bridging gaps in music comprehension and appreciation. In other words, I’ll accept new writers and pieces that attempt to connect elements of music.

What are we looking for?

  1. You can connect old and new artists within a single genre (Ex: How do



Stanley C.

Hi there 👋🏾 I'm a music writer that posts weekly essays about albums, genres, songs, and other novel topics in the music world that span across time.