Stop the Hassle

Andrew Kamal
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2023
Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

In the world, sometimes life throws many unknowns and unexpected things, and you can waste time and energy trying to make sense of it all. We are many times emotionally driven creatures, and many times a lack of confidence in yourself reflects how others are going to treat you. The unfortunate reality of what I went through with many different women were meeting them at one of the worst times in my life. Having a chance to step back, allows you to reflect. At one point you can have an amazing interaction, and even onlookers can see how amazing that went, and at another you can get the door shut at your face. You aren’t meant to chase, but to be valued for who you are and what you are capable off.

This said, part of me wants to do another one of these so called “detoxes”. I messed up a little bit due to my loneliness and sometimes lack of social awareness. However, instead of this, I am more focused on changing my mindset. Unless this mystery women comes in your life and offers something beyond acting all cutesy, then why is it even worth mentioning? Lots of times, us men think all a woman needs to do is look all cute and smile, and we can put up with anything. It is very easy to reel us in when we are vulnerable.

If you act always available no matter what, you are no different than the leftover piece of cake in the fridge. It can be an amazing, delicious, and wonderful piece of Tiramisu or German Chocolate Cake, but if it is always being overlooked and nobody wants it, it slowly is left to rot from the inside. However, if everybody is fighting for that cake and it isn’t a “leftover”, that cake is looked at as of value. Why do we act like the leftover? Even if there is no abundance of demand for you, act like you are of value and don’t rely on people to give you value. You are valuable in the fact that your body is a temple. You are made with a purpose that goes beyond time, energy, and sanity spent on chasing people.



Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite