Deer Dance

Virginia Neely, author
2-Bite Stories
Published in
Dec 27, 2023
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

As the dancers wove around the fire, Kai lifted his knees higher than any other, stomped down harder, chanted more loudly.
Deer Spirit would see how Kai honoured him and send a fat buck to him tomorrow.
In the firelight, antler headdresses tossed, glinting red and yellow.
Tomorrow would be Kai’s first hunt. He would bring meat to his tribe and honour to his family.
Mother would make the hide into a shirt for him.
Nothing would be wasted. Waste would anger Deer Spirit. No more deer would offer themselves to the hunters.
Kai’s spirit danced to the drum’s beat.

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Virginia Neely, author
2-Bite Stories

I write in various genres and forms, from flash fiction to novels. My other passion is illustration, and I illustrate some of my own stories.