The Poker Game

Virginia Neely, author
2-Bite Stories
Published in
Jan 29, 2024
Photo by Marin Tulard on Unsplash

Bill kept his face blank as he turned up the last card.
Not a terrific hand, but not terrible, either.
He glanced around at the other five men, all strangers. He didn’t know their tells.
Nick leaned over his shoulder. Bill and Nick had come to know each other so well they seldom needed words.
Nick nudged him.
Bill wavered. He’d already staked twenty grand. He ought to fold.
Nick nudged him again.
Bill pushed in the last of his chips. “Call.”
His two pair couldn’t beat a royal flush.
Nick grinned and walked away, his pointed tail swishing.



Virginia Neely, author
2-Bite Stories

I write in various genres and forms, from flash fiction to novels. My other passion is illustration, and I illustrate some of my own stories.