Dove Chocolate Encouragements Written by Your Drill Sergeant Pop-Pop Who Did Two Tours In Vietnam

Megan Murphy
2 Ho Ho Ho’s
Published in
1 min readFeb 10, 2021

Because the collaboration with Peloton fell through, and Pop-Pop knows a thing or two about unfiltered, unapologetic talk.

Photo by Solen Feyissa from Pixabay

Cupid may be blind, but he never misses. Neither does Uncle Sam.

It’s not about a true heart or a blue heart; it’s the Purple Heart that counts.

Bite down through the pain.

It’s time to grow up!

Love is long periods of boredom interrupted by seconds of unexpected terror.

In a world full of Plutos, be a Cujo.


Why not shave your head? Everyone else is.

Your best thinking isn’t done in the shower. Or on TikTok.

Hide the Jack Daniels.

Let the past come to you, not the other way around.

Poppies are the poor man’s carnation.

Unlike Red, camo suits everyone.

Be the first. First in and first out.

Kim deserved better than that Chris Scott.



Megan Murphy
2 Ho Ho Ho’s

is a writer and dramaturg. On good days, that means something.