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Netflix Holiday Short Films Sponsored by Procter & Gamble

Lucia Paul
2 Ho Ho Ho’s
Published in
3 min readDec 25, 2021


What could be more perfect this holiday season than grabbing your favorite cleaning supplies and knuckling down to some house cleaning while enjoying these short films featuring trusted P&G products? Well, lots of things probably. But it’s all about collabs in today’s crazy world. Here’s a sneak peek at the fun.

A Sparkling (Mr.)Clean® Christmas
Leah Corwin wakes up on Christmas Eve morning to 3 feet of snow and a filthy cabin to clean. Her fiancée’s Big City parents are due to arrive in a few hours for their first visit to her home. What on earth will she do? Don’t lose your holiday spirits because Mr. Clean® knows how to remove scuff marks and use a snowmobile. He doesn’t wear a jacket or hat though. Nor gloves come to think of it. He arrives laden with Magic Erasers®, Spic and Span® and all the Swiffers® a lady could want. Will Mr. C be able to help her clean before causing a hullabaloo? What if her future in laws and fiancée find her alone with a man in inappropriately tight white pants and T-shirt? Don’t worry because it’s all good clean fun in the cabin.

A Bounty®ful Holiday Wedding
Kay Kay Triblet’s luggage never arrived at the beautiful Vermont Inn where her holiday wedding is taking place tomorrow. Luckily, the Inn keeper’s wife is a whiz with a needle and thread. But what about fabric? No stores are open but the Inn stocks cases and cases of Bounty® Paper Towels. They’re sturdy and it turns out, lovely. Soon, Kay Kay is wearing an Inn Keeper’s Wife Original featuring 46 rolls of Bounty. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house when she walked down the aisle. People kept wanting to dab their eyes on her veil and since her whole ensemble featured Select-A-Size®, everyone could just take what they needed! Her friends from her NYC advertising agency are glad to help keep her away from the chocolate fountain and make sure she doesn’t sweat on the dance floor.

The Dawn® of Christmas
Mountain View Ski Resort hasn’t had any snow this season and Christmas is their biggest week. It’s not cold enough for the fake snow machine. What a disaster! Plucky chemical engineer Daphne Dawkins has come for the holidays and to nurse her broken heart. She soon realizes that with the help of Dawn® Dishwashing Liquid and hardworking townspeople, they can make enough bubbles to cover the slopes. She works side by side with hunky chair lift operator Deke Svenson and soon, it’s love at first bubble. Deke is so thankful he asks her to the holiday dance. Once their contact dermatitis clears up from being bathed in undiluted Dawn from morning ’til night, it’s a date!

A Charmin’ Charmin® Holiday
Hilary Haverstock is smart, capable and lactose intolerant. On her first night home for Christmas, she is excited to attend the Lower Wuthering High Alumni Potluck. How could she know there would have so many deviously delicious items? The risotto? Cauliflowered rice in a Greek yogurt sauce. The dinner rolls? Full of sour cream! She would have to see her first love, Clark Cane, in the hallway as she sprinted for the ladies’ room. Hearing the cacophony of sounds reverberating through the hallway, her favorite janitor, Old Joe, comes to her rescue. Hilary is no stranger to Old Joe (who must have been 19 when she was a high school senior. Making him Contemporary Joe). He used to race to the office to make sure “Battle Hymn of the Republic” was playing on the school PA system when he saw her with macaroni and cheese on her lunch tray. He knew she’d need privacy later.

When Hilary’s Secret Santa gift is double rolls of Charmin®, is it Joe or Clark, being thoughtful enough to know the way to her heart?



Lucia Paul
2 Ho Ho Ho’s

My creative muse team includes Erma Bombeck, Betty MacDonald and Roz Chast.