Quiz: Is your V-Day Date Gonna Ghost You on Feb 15th, or Is He an Actual Ghost?

Gracie Beaver-Kairis
2 Ho Ho Ho’s
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2021


Photo by Ryan Miguel Capili from Pexels, edited by the author

**Co-written with Catherine Weingarten**

1. He didn’t get you flowers or chocolates. He says that’s because:

a. He’s not into this dumb corporate manufactured holiday

b. Because anything corporeal will pass through his translucent hands and fall to the floor immediately

2. Where’s he taking you for dinner tonight?

a. The Sizzler, because he didn’t bother to make reservations anywhere, and he figures all the senior citizens will be cleared out by 8 pm

b. His kitchen! He’s quite the chef, but also he’s buried on the premises and is unable to leave the home until his unfinished business on Earth has been resolved

3. The wine is flowing, and you guys are talking about your best ever Valentine’s Day! What was his?

a. Senior year of high school when he got a hand job from Lacey Schmidt in the ceramics classroom

b.The Winter of 1675 when he held his Dear Clara’s hand for the last time before she succumbed to diphtheria. Oh Clara, he says, such a beautiful flower.

4. You just had your Valentine’s day date and you’re ready to pop in a movie and get cuddly. What movie do you watch?



Gracie Beaver-Kairis
2 Ho Ho Ho’s

Gracie Beaver-Kairis is a humor writer and semi-functioning adult living in the Pacific Northwest.