Wanted: A Valentine for 2021

Becky Barnard
2 Ho Ho Ho’s
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2021


37 YO Female ISO life partner, casual dating, Zoom calls, men, women, really any human contact

About me:

I’ve been living alone for, oh, 11 months now and following strict stay at home orders. Which means I have only left the house to…nope, I have not left the house since March 2020. (Isn’t DoorDash great!?) But my friends say I have to get out more (figuratively, of course!) and so I figured Valentine’s Day was as good as any chance to find the perfect someone.

I work as an IT consultant and so all year people have only ever talked to me when they have problems. What that means for you: I’m SUPER good at fixing up a router! And also great at small talk for as long as it takes your computer to reboot.

I don’t have any pets, but I do have plants! 46 of them now, to be exact. They all have dazzling personalities, and I can introduce you when we set up a time to hangout. Google hangout, that is.

I’m a big fan of Twitter, and probably spend 8–10 hours online a day reading the news. There’s just so much to keep up on! I also like watching TED talks by Elon Musk and the movie Castaway.

I don’t have any underlying medical conditions (why do you ask?) but I do like to be super clean. My front room is still half full of toilet paper and Clorox wipes, so if you need any of those, HMU!

Overall, I like to think I’m a carefree gal who loves life. And I will stay alive by avoiding all and any humans until the CDC says it’s safe to go outside again.

About you:

At least six feet. Away, that is.

Willing to Skype for 7 hours at a time.

AI also fine.


Can’t wait to chat!

