The Story Behind Figma

2 Minutes Post
2 Minutes - Tech
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2023

Figma is a cloud-based design and prototyping tool that allows teams to collaborate on the creation of visual designs, such as user interfaces, websites, and mobile apps.

Like all successful startups, Figma has a tremendous story behind its creation.

In 2012, Dylan Field and Evan Wallace were studying computer science at Brown University. They became interested in the potential of using the cloud to create software that could be accessed from anywhere and on any device. They started working on a cloud-based drawing tool, which would eventually become Figma.

After graduating, Field and Wallace moved to San Francisco to work on Figma full-time. They were part of the first class of the startup accelerator, Y Combinator, and received funding from investors including Greylock Partners and Kleiner Perkins.

In 2014, Figma launched as a free beta product, and it quickly gained traction within the design community. Its intuitive interface and real-time collaboration features set it apart from other design tools at the time.

Figma continued to grow and evolve over the years, adding new features and integrations. In 2020, the company announced that it had reached a valuation of $2 billion and had over 7 million users.

Today, Figma is used by design teams at companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Uber, as well as by freelancers and students. Its success can be attributed to the vision of its founders and their dedication to creating a cloud-based tool that meets the needs of modern designers.

One of the key benefits of Figma is its collaborative nature. With Figma, multiple team members can work on the same design at the same time, making it easy to iterate and make changes quickly. Figma also includes features such as version history, which allows users to see the changes made to a design over time, and real-time commenting, which allows team members to communicate and provide feedback directly on the design.

Another advantage of Figma is its cross-platform compatibility. Figma can be used on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, and it also has a web-based version that can be accessed from any device with a web browser. This makes it a convenient tool for teams that use a variety of devices and operating systems.

Figma also offers a wide range of design features, including vector editing, prototyping, and design components, which allow teams to create and reuse design elements across projects.

Overall, Figma is a powerful and versatile design tool that is well-suited for teams looking to collaborate on visual design projects. Whether you’re working on a website, mobile app, or other type of user interface, Figma is a tool worth considering.

