The 2 Lessons From The Movie Moneyball

There is more to the movie than just baseball.

Eugenio Cibruscola
Two Minute Madness


Source: Moneyball (2011) via IMDb

Do you like baseball?

Great, you should watch Moneyball. If you don’t like baseball and feel indifferent towards sports, you should still watch Moneyball.

Very often, a movie is not just a movie on a specific topic; it is a bagful of life lessons and advice. From that point, Moneyball is packed with lessons for you to take away as you watch it. My favorite two from the movie are about understanding the essence of success and tough conversations.

#1. Overnight Success Is A Myth

In the movie, the Oakland A’s lost 10 consecutive games before they started winning some. The Boston Red Sox adopted Oakland’s strategy, and yet, despite all the cash they had, they took 2 full years before winning the World Series.

Today we are flooded with success stories. We open social media and can see:

  • A start-up securing millions
  • Entrepreneur(s) selling their start-up for millions
  • Someone (you probably never heard of) getting a new role.

But how long did it take that person or startup to get there? It takes 7–10 years on average.

  • If you follow the…

