2 Mistakes Skinny People Make That Keep Them Thin

To get in shape, you need to focus on what’s necessary.

Thomas J. Hahn
Two Minute Madness


Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

You are what you eat.

It’s one of the sayings that couldn’t be more true.

I was what I ate.

I was as thin as a toothpick.

My weight was 63 Kilos at the height of 1,82 meters.

That was something I was unhappy with.

And I believe most skinny persons would admit they feel the same.

I thought I was doing everything right to live a healthy and long life and make gains if I worked out long enough. But I wasn’t.

Because I focused too much on the wrong things.

If you ever heard about the Pareto principle, you know that 20% of your activities make 80% of your results.

I was focussing on the 80% that brought 20% of the results.

Here’s what I did wrong and what I changed to see results.

Stop eating salad. Really!

One of my mistakes was to eat very low-in-calorie meals that would fill me up.

The problem with eating enormous amounts of salad and greens is that these groceries take away the space…



Thomas J. Hahn
Two Minute Madness

BA in Business; Fitness trainer and personal coach; I'm writing about Diet, Health and Fitness. 🇦🇹 IG: @tommysphysiqueupgrade