5 Joan Didion Quotes That Will Teach You Golden Life Lessons

Nishtha Chaudhary
Two Minute Madness
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2020


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

During this lockdown period, I read way more than I usually do.

Reading has always been my go-to method to keep me sane, and I honestly love the learning process. In addition to reading Shakespeare, Orwell, and Harry Potter, I stumbled upon some essays and books written by Joan Didion. While reading them, I kept thinking to myself, why did I not read them before? I would have made better choices if I did.

I am new to Joan Didion, and the first essay that I read was Goodbye To All That, and I haven’t stopped since. As an introvert in my 20s with social anxiety, I could relate to her spiritually. As she also considers herself as a shy, bookish child, as I do.

Joan Didion is an inspiration for many, and especially writers. She has proven how powerful writing can be and that your quietness can be your strength. There is an important lesson to learn with every essay and book, and Joan Didion has been therapeutic.

Here are 5 Joan Didion quotes that helped me learn important life lessons, and I hope they’ll help you too.

1. Take responsibility for your actions

“That was the year, my twenty-eight, when I was discovering that…



Nishtha Chaudhary
Two Minute Madness

I’m a creative writer and digital marketer who’s always got a book in hand and a heart full of wanderlust.