8 Questions About The Best Version of Yourself

Put in a lot of effort to improve life but don’t take it too seriously.

Manoj Surya
Two Minute Madness
2 min readJul 1, 2020


Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Are you the best version of yourself now?

Can you be much better?

How do you get to a better self faster?

How do you get to know if you are trying your best to be a better person?

Knowing that you can be a better person, do you feel that you are imperfect today?

And if you are imperfect today does it make you feel less since you aren’t at your best?

If you feel less of yourself, then how could you be happy?

and if you are already happy, are you ignoring the things in life you could improve?

Can the pursuit of life make your life better?

Imperfectly Perfect Life

There are always things to improve for

There are always things to be happy about

There are always things that you can be anxious about

There are always things that you can be unhappy about

There is nothing much you can do except to acknowledge what you have. Know that you are not alone and that others don’t have it easier. Maybe they’re just not opening up for you.

Acknowledge what’s happening and what’s not happening in your life

Try to improve on things but be okay with not being perfect.

Put in a lot of effort to improve life but don’t take it too seriously.



Manoj Surya
Two Minute Madness

I write about everything I learnt to become better at life , endurance, health, books, reading and building products