Are You Vitamin D Deficient?

You’d be surprised!

Alana Rister
Two Minute Madness
2 min readFeb 24, 2021


Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for your health.

You can obtain vitamin D from the food you eat, exposure to sunlight, and supplements. However, due to our modern life of staying indoors, many people may be vitamin D deficient without knowing it.

Vitamin D is imperative for the health of our bones as it regulates the absorption of calcium from food and proper bone growth. However, further studies have recognized that vitamin D is essential for many different bodily functions.

A previous study — completed before the pandemic — determined that almost 40% of participants were vitamin D deficient. If you have specific attributes, you may be even more likely to have a vitamin D deficiency, including having darker skin, being obese, being a current or former smoker, or being over 65 years old.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms include getting sick often, fatigue and tiredness, bone and back pain, depression, impaired wound healing, bone loss, hair loss, and muscle pain.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 600 IU for people ages 1 to 70. However, it is suggested that a daily intake of 1000–4000 IU should ensure optimal blood vitamin D levels in most people.

Ultimately — if you have decreased sun exposure or are in an increased risk group and have vitamin D deficiency symptoms — it may be useful to discuss these symptoms with your doctor and determine if you could be vitamin D deficient.



Alana Rister
Two Minute Madness

This is my personal account. I write on a variety of topics including sex, gender, relationships, science, and politics. Also me: @alanarister and @scigradcoach