Being Rich and Happy is Not Mutually Exclusive

“I’d rather be happy than rich and lonely,” but, why not both happy and rich?

Chandra Santos
Two Minute Madness
2 min readJul 29, 2020


Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

We’ve all heard the following sayings: “I’d rather be happy than rich and lonely”, “He/she is so rich but are they really happy?”, or “rich people are lonely”.

And I can’t help but wonder why the trope works like that. As though being rich denies you of having a happy life or prevents you from meeting some wonderful people to surround you and being poor gives you a fast entry ticket to the wall of fame and joyous memories.

The Opposite Side of Being Poor

I don’t know about you, but I can think up a couple of undesirably, miserable situations that come with being poor. Say for example debt collectors stressing you every day, or fighting with your loved one over how to pay the bills day in and day out.

That leaves the potential for a stronger, happier relationship if you work together and appreciate what you do have, but it can also leave you feeling lonely, unworthy, and depressed.

The Opposite Side of Being Rich

I can also think up situations in which being rich can enhance your happiness. Say for example buying tickets to concerts, road trips, and other memory-making opportunities with your friends and family.

That can make you lonely if you have no one to spend those trips with and in essence depressed. Maybe you’re always on a rat race to beat your latest financial goal but there’s still an opportunity for happiness and friendship.

What I’m trying to say is that your happiness and friendships are not a direct result of being rich or poor. That happiness depends on character and choices. The two are not parallel you can be happy regardless of your financial state. So don’t let that stop you from reaching your goals.



Chandra Santos
Two Minute Madness

Book dragon, lover of words, YouTuber at Mysteries of Writing, psychology fanatic with a love for food and random advice.