Every Problem You Face Has Its Place

Remember you are the designer of your life

Emily Wilcox
Two Minute Madness


Photo by Sophia Kunkel on Unsplash

They say that everything happens for a reason. That scar on your finger. That marketing job you were fired from, that cute checkout boy who broke your heart.

And maybe it was. Perhaps that reason is defined by fate or science or three shots of tequila. Maybe it was written in the stars (or the cubicle wall in the nightclub loos).

But often, we use the phrase when trying to justify the darkness that seeps into our life. As though it explains why depression has sprung upon us. As though it accounts for the loss of Aunt June. As though all the pain you are experiencing right now is an unexpected gift.

And you know what? I think that’s all true. Every moment of life is another sentence imprinted onto our pages, progressing us towards the next chapter.

However, the phrase is not a motivator. It’s not a reminder or a catalyst to improvement. It’s a cop-out. We use it as an excuse to avoid our problems, to “explain away pain,” to sit within the darkness and wait for morning to reappear.

But this is 2021, my friends! We’ve had light-bulbs since 1879. It’s time we take some actionable steps and shed a little light on our own lives.

“This problem will have its place.”



Emily Wilcox
Two Minute Madness

In a parallel universe I imagine I’m an astro-archaeologer or an orange cat (either way, I’m curled up on the moon) but here, and forever, I’m a storyteller.