How to Keep Creating When You Run Out of Creative Juice

Drop perfection like a bad habit and fill the blank page.

Atanas Shorgov
Two Minute Madness


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

I don’t know what to write

I don’t know what to write

I don’t know what to write

Keep on writing this until you spark an idea.

It’s frustrating to run out of content ideas, but once you start writing, something always sticks to the blank screen.

Writers try to come up with these brilliant ideas for viral articles and best-selling novels. The ones who always seek perfection end up with a few unfinished drafts.

If you have nothing to write about, start with a single sentence and then repeat it until you go mad or come up with a second sentence, and another, and so on.

Don’t worry about grammar, mistakes, or making sense.

“The first draft of anything is shit.” — Hemingway

When I don’t write for a few days, I lose the rhythm and start postponing my next writing further and further into the future. It’s better to write something that is crap than nothing at all.

Everyone has creatively dry periods when nothing seems to come together. Such times are inevitable. You can read up…

