How to Stay Calm After Submitting Your Stories to Medium Publications

It’s simple, keep a few stories in your drafts.

Manoj Surya
Two Minute Madness
2 min readJul 16, 2020


Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

I was restless when I first started submitting to various publications on Medium.

I would get up and start checking my emails to see if any publication accepted me as a writer and then check if any article is accepted in any publication.

I know it’s not in my hands-on how an editor would react to my article. But still, that’s what was defining my mood as I get up in the morning and throughout the day.

When we are doing anything every day. We think about the outcomes that are not in our control. That causes anxiety and stress.

I know this, but my emotional mind ignored that fact. That made me more anxious.

It took me a few days to get my logical brain to convince my emotional brain to be a little calmer.

I found a routine that helped me to get over this. To stop thinking about if any publication will add me as a writer or if will they accept my article anxiety.

The trick is to keep multiple topics to write within Medium stories as drafts.

This is easy. Last Sunday I was standing in a line in a supermarket and got a couple of ideas to write about. I quickly wrote them in the Medium drafts from my app.

The one you are reading now is one of them.

When you are doing something, your brain looks forward to some outcome from it. The best way to get it distracted and reduce anxiety is to have ready topics to write. So you are much busier delivering more content than thinking about existing results.

This is working wonders for me. I will admit that the anxiety of checking emails and my notifications on Medium isn’t reduced completely but it is low enough not to create so much anxiety.

So keep writing more and keep all your Ideas in Medium drafts directly. Good Luck.



Manoj Surya
Two Minute Madness

I write about everything I learnt to become better at life , endurance, health, books, reading and building products