How to Wire Your Brain for Happiness

One practical tip will change your mindset.

Tuseet Jha
Two Minute Madness


Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

Our mind is a garden. We need to tend to it from time to time to keep the weeds in control and allow the flowers to bloom.

For the flowers to bloom, you have to pull out the weeds by decreasing the negative thoughts and fertilize the soil with positive thoughts. In case you are still guessing, the flowers represent happiness and the weeds — everything that prevents you from being happy.

To uproot the weeds and fertilize the soil, we need to make a consistent effort. The default setting of the brain is to overestimate threats. This means the bad sticks around more than the good.

These negative experiences over time make the brain more sensitive to the bad. We think about it, replay it and dwell on it for long after it has happened.

The good and happy thoughts on the other hand, just pass through our brains like water through a sieve.

Rewire Your Brain For Happiness

Take time every day to think about all the good that happened either on that day or in the recent past and then sit with it. Replay it. Dwell on it. Install it to your brain.



Tuseet Jha
Two Minute Madness

I write about Happiness, Productivity and Minimalism | | I write a weekly newsletter on Happiness: