I’m Growing Weary of Growth

It’s okay to not be into it.

Kevin Alexander
Two Minute Madness


Photo by Yan from Pexels

I’ve had another paint-by-numbers self-improvement article appear in my feed. Actually a lot of them.

They are clogging up all of my timelines. Probably yours too.

I’ve had enough. I’ve grown weary of growth.

I’m not talking about substantive articles. I’m a sucker for well-researched or experiential pieces. I can-and-will-read those all day.

I’m talking about the formulaic, vapid pieces you can tell someone wrote just to crank out more content. The empty calories leap from the page. Everyone must be using the same template, because the styles are all similar. It’s annoying.

Want to stand out from the crowd? Deliver value? Want people to actually read what you have to say? Try addressing some of the points below.

No, it’s not your job to write something just for me. It’s your job to deliver something of value.

How do you grow? For something non-quantifiable, what benchmark(s) do you get to use? When we think of growth, does it always have to be positive? Maybe there are times when we grow in a bad way. After all, how many times this year have we heard, “things are growing worse?”



Kevin Alexander
Two Minute Madness

Indie music journalist | Mixtape maker | EIC The Riff Magazine | Writer of the On Repeat Newsletter on Substack |