One Piece Of Advice To Help You Get Out Of Any Tricky Situation

This works 99/100 times.

Tuseet Jha
Two Minute Madness


There is this moment in every action movie where the movie's hero is in a spot that seems impossible to get out of.

But then they always seem to survive! Have you ever wondered if such survival is possible in real life? No matter the scene, there is always this moment where you see the main character thinking. They calmly assess the situation, find potential exit points, and flipping through multiple scenarios in their head.

And all this while engaging in a conversation with the villain.

In essence, you will realize they stay calm, speak clearly, and don’t get nervous.

Stay calm, speak clearly, and don’t get nervous

This is all you need to get out of any sticky situation in life.

When I look back and think about all the tricky situations I have been in — accidents, meetings, run-ins with strangers — the ones I did pretty well, I followed the advice. At that particular moment, I was able to stay calm, not get nervous, and talk clearly.

The ones where I didn’t do so well — a lot was on my mind, and I was usually in a hurry, which made the situation only worse for me.



Tuseet Jha
Two Minute Madness

I write about Happiness, Productivity and Minimalism | | I write a weekly newsletter on Happiness: