One Quick Routine to Accomplish More in 3 Hours Than Most do in 3 Days

Snap back to work.

Toni Koraza
Two Minute Madness


Photo by Toni Koraza on Unsplash

You can accomplish more in 3 hours than most people do in 3 days.

Most people in the world are average and have similar capabilities. Both Stephen King and Donald Trump are not smarter than you. But both men are undeniably effective at what they do.

Stephen King has published almost 100 novels, and they’re everything but short. And you can be just like King if you want to.

Let’s take a step back and agree on two terms first.

  • Productivity: Accomplishing more in less time.
  • Effectiveness: Accomplishing more of the right stuff in less time.

If you focus on effectiveness, instead of grandiose goals and mere productivity, you can accomplish more in less time.

Getting more done in 3 hours than most do in 3 days is tricky, but possible.

The only way to accomplish three days of work in 180 minutes is to reach the state of Flow. I’ve published 300+ stories in the past seven months while traveling and running a publication and an Etsy shop, and uploading stock photos. I’m in the process of starting a digital company in…



Toni Koraza
Two Minute Madness

The content guy — I help SaaS companies reach $100M ARR through product-led SEO. Founder at