The Rhythm of Work: Successful People Know When to Push and Pause

Do you feel your music?

Dr. Louise Schriewer
Two Minute Madness


Photo by Andy Lee on Unsplash

Most people don’t have a rhythm of work. After all, a rhythm consists of beats and pauses. There’s some variety there. Otherwise, we lose interest.

Contrast that with the push-push-push of the working world. We think of productivity as something steady. Our conditioning tells us work is a relentless drill, not a skillful dance.

There’s no rhythm there, no art, no variety. It’s dull.

How could we do this better?

Recently, my friend Stephen Cull gave me the following brilliant advice (and kindly allowed me to include it in my articles):

“One of the intriguing attributes of exceptionally skillful entrepreneurs I’ve observed is a distinct disconnect from the rhythm most people are indoctrinated into.

Consider that most Western education brainwashes people to compulsively work harder the more fatigued they become, which causes predictable fluctuations in the markets during stressful periods as increasingly tired, strung out individuals push more and more, making increasingly poor decisions as a result.

Intriguingly, successful business people tend to do the opposite, taking a break during the chaos and resting up while…



Dr. Louise Schriewer
Two Minute Madness

Work Happiness Wizard for passionate souls & purpose-seekers. Lawyer/academic turned professional wizard (I mean, coach...).